Kāpiti Youth Service
KYS is one of the largest NGO’s and providers of community services in Kāpiti and operates over five sites, which includes three school-based services. KYS has over 5700 rangatahi accessing their services – this represents approximately 68% of the youth population in Kāpiti.
Services and programmes offered include
Primary healthcare (doctor and nurse appointments)
Alcohol and drug services
Social work
Mentoring, parenting, peer support
Fnancial capability (budgeting)
LGBTQIA+, Youth Services that support rangatahi Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)
Transition Services and various youth development programmes within schools and the wider community
Cost: Free
KYS is one of the largest NGO’s and providers of community services in Kāpiti and operates over five sites, which includes three school-based services. KYS has over 5700 rangatahi accessing their services – this represents approximately 68% of the youth population in Kāpiti.
Services and programmes offered include
Primary healthcare (doctor and nurse appointments)
Alcohol and drug services
Social work
Mentoring, parenting, peer support
Fnancial capability (budgeting)
LGBTQIA+, Youth Services that support rangatahi Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)
Transition Services and various youth development programmes within schools and the wider community
Cost: Free