Kaupapa Māori
Antenatal Education
Te Awhi O Te Rito is held on Te Kakano O Te Aroha Marae, Moera, making muka ties, ipu whenua and pēpi koha packs. Te Awhi O Te Rito also offers post hapū wānanga wrap-around services.
Cost: Free
Email: awhirito@kokiri-hauora.org.nz
Caring for Pēpi
Safe sleep - Moe Ora Mo Ngā Pepi Programme:
Kōkiri Marae Health and Social Services
We provide Wahakura & Pepi-pod safe sleep devices (Beds) including a mattress & bedding pack as well as provide safe sleep education to our māmā & their whānau.
Our programmes are Whānau Ora driven and we work alongside many community organizations that are available within the region to support and manaaki our hapu mama & their whānau in their journey through pregnancy and parenthood.
Referral Criteria:
We prioritise support to Māori & Pacific māmā who are pregnant or have had a pepi, spanning across the Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt region.
We prioritise pepi who are most at risk of SUDI who meet two of the following criteria:
1. A smoke exposed pepi
2. Māori or Pasifika
3. Safety Concerns such as: Low birth weight, Co-Sleeping and/or Premature birth.
Cost: Free
Phone Marice Martin for more information:
022 077 4430 or 0800 926 257 (via Pātaka Kai Line)
Whāngai Pēpē provides free breastfeeding support for Māori and Pacific whānau in Te Awa Kairangi and whānau who are enrolled in other Rūnanga Services (inc Tamariki Ora, Waiwhetu Medical Centre, Waiwhetu Hapū Ora Clinic).
The Whāngai Pēpē kaimahi are available Monday – Thursday with a drop in clinic at Te Atiawa Ora in Wainuiomata.
The friendly team of breastfeeding kaimahi offer:
Clinic appointments
Online or phone consultations
Home visit
Drop-in clinic (during term time Wednesdays 10.30am -12.30pm at the Te Āti Awa Ora Wainuiomata – 17 Fraser Street Wainuiuomata (entrance and parking Via Simmonds cres)
Breast Pump usage
Breastfeeding support from antenatal
Whāngai Pēpē sits under the korowai of Te Rūnaganui o Te Āti Awa.
Please contact the team to support you on your breastfeeding journey.
Location: 148 Whites Line East, Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt & 17 Fraser Street Wainuiomata
Cost: Free
Email: whangaipepe@atiawa.com
Tamariki Ora service provides free growth and development checks and support for your child/whānau, from birth to 5 years old. Usually, Tamariki Ora services can visit you at your home, at another venue ie. creche/ kohanga reo, or they have clinic sessions. During the visit your Tamariki Ora nurse can discuss any concerns you may have regarding your baby’s growth and development. They support with things like
Well child health checks
Tamariki/parents support groups
Development and growth Information
Support with breastfeeding, feeding and sleeping
Parenting support
Smoking cessation support
Car seat rent to buy scheme
Ask your midwife about Well child referral options
Cost: Free
If you are Māori or Pacific and need extra support with breastfeeding, you can call or text to speak to or make an appointment with a Māori or Pacific Breastfeeding Peer Support Cousellor and Adovcate.
Cost: Free
Hours: 8:30am – 4.30pm
Phone: 04 978 2945
Support with Keeping Healthy
Atareira support whānau with mental health or addiction concerns. They provide information, advocacy and support for families, aiga & whānau, as well as a specialised children’s programme.
Cost: Free
Phone: 04 499 1049
Email: enquiries@atareira.org.nz
Visit: https://www.atareira.org.nz/
Green Prescription is a FREE service providing physical activity and nutrition support. The programme is tailored to adults and whānau, including tamariki, rangatahi, hapū māmā.
Green Prescription is available in Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa.
You will receive:
• Tailored health and wellbeing support
• Home visits and group-based consultations
• Regular one-on-one check-ins
To apply, click on the link below or ask your midwife or any Healthcare professional, to make a referral. Medical centres are welcome to refer from Patient Management software including HealthLink e-referral or bestpractice e-referral. Any questions please email grx@nukuora.org.nz
Cost: Free
Watch: Watch: https://youtu.be/L3ulRbZuJE0
Visit: https://www.nukuora.org.nz/active-health-and-wellness/green-prescription-self-referral-application/
Takiri Mai te Ata place whānau at the centre of their mahi. They offer:
Intensive one on one support with a qualified ‘quit coach’
Home visits, workplace supports and community clinics
Free NRT
A complementary approach to Quitline services that offers 24/7 support
A programme especially designed for hapū māmā and their whānau
Cost: Free.
Visit: https://www.takirimai.org.nz/index.php? page=service&t=2302
Tū Te Wana is a Kaupapa Māori Alcohol and Other Drug Service that is available to the community. Clinicians provide counselling for Tangata whaiora (people) and their whānau of Porirua and Wellington.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.ngatitoa.iwi.nz/services/ora-toa-mauriora
Support with Keeping Safe
Wellington Women’s Refuge work alongside their sister refuge Te Whare Rokiroki, Māori Women’s Refuge to ensure a safe and appropriate service for all women and children experiencing domestic violence.
They provide support and advocacy for women and children who are experiencing domestic violence. You do not have to stay in their safe-house to receive our support. They also work with women in the community. Wellington Women’s Refuge provide a safe and non-judgmental environment where you can be supported to make decisions for your future.
Welling Women’s Refuge operate a community office, a safehouse and a 24-hour, 7 days a week crisis line assisted by a roster of trained volunteers responding to the crisis line outside working hours.
Services include:
A confidential listening ear to talk though your situation and options.
Providing information such as safety planning, legal processes, and housing options.
Referrals to understanding counsellors, lawyers, doctors and other services.
Supporting women at appointments such as the police, lawyers, court hearings, Housing and Work & Income.
24-hour access to safe-house accommodation for those whose safety is at risk in the community.
Working with a diverse range of ethnicities and use interpreting service as needed.
Cost: Free
Phone: 0800 REFUGE (733 843)
Hutt Valley Women’s Refuge work alongside their sister refuge Kōkiri Marae Māori Women’s Refuge to ensure a safe and appropriate service for all women and children experiencing domestic violence.
Hutt Valley Women’s Refuge provide immediate support to keep you safe in times of crisis, but they are so much more than a safe house. They have a team of highly trained, multi-skilled family violence specialists who can provide tailored support to guide you and your whānau. No two situations are the same, and they offer many different solutions.
Services include:
Safe housing
Crisis line
Support for women
Support for children
Women’s safety programmes
Cost: Free
Family and Parenting Support
Te Korowai Aroha Whānau Services are a kaupapa Māori community organisation utilising te ao Māori principles and practices to work with whānau and communities.
Te Korowai Aroha is based on the ethos that the 'korowai' (cloak) is able to utilise aroha/love to wrap-around whānau and communities.
Services offered inlcude:
Kōrero-ā-kaupapa - a kaupapa Māori based therapy
Social Support
Cultural Supervision
Tuakana - Teina
Goal setting/Planning
Grief & Loss
Kaupapa Sexual Abuse Therapy and Whānau Support
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.korowai.org/
Ora Toa host a coffee morning every other Thursday from 10am - 12pm so you can connect with other local māmā in your community. There is usually a guest speaker who can offer information, and a warm, friendly environment with coffee and snacks. Bring your pēpi & tamariki under 5 along.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.facebook.com/Ora-Toa-PHO-183054478371616/
Te Kākano / Family Start is a programme that helps give tamariki the best possible start in life. It provides free, intensive home-visiting support to whānau who may be struggling with challenges or problems that make it harder for them to provide their tamariki with the care and support they need. The Te Kākano / Family Start whānau workers work alongside whānau to:
help tamariki grow strong, learn, stay healthy and have positive relationships;
help whānau be more confident about caring for their child;
help whānau create a strong and positive future for their child.
Visits from our Te Kākano/ Family Start whānau workers can start in the early stages of pregnancy (from 12 weeks) and referrals are taken up until a baby is one year old. In some cases it’s also possible to refer children aged between one and two. If the whānau identifies ongoing needs, whānau workers can stay involved until the child goes to school.
Referrals can be made in two ways:
Whānau can refer themselves
Whānau can be referred by another organisation who is working with them or who has worked with them in the past, such as a midwife or a district health board staff member.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.wesleyca.org.nz/what-we-do/parenting-and-families/family-start/
Porirua Whānau Centre runs may be able to help you with:
Drug & alcohol counselling
Family violence support
Parenting programmes such as HIPPY (Home Interaction Programme for Parents and Youngsters).
HIPPY is a two-year home-based parenting and early childhood programme that builds parents’ confidence and skills, and helps them create a positive and supportive home environment that actively benefits and encourages their children to learn.
HIPPY helps parents to lay the foundation for their children’s success in school and later life.
Cost: Free
Ora Toa provide holistic and responsive antenatal education. Whānau are welcome to join sessions. Ora Toa also provide wānanga wahakura. Classes are offered according to interest and numbers.
Talk to your midwife or health provider if you are interested in antenatal classes or wānanga.
Cost: Free
Phone: 04 389 7122
Hapū Wānanga Te Raukura ō te Aroha offer kaupapa Māori antenatal classes in the Wellington Region. The Wānanga is run over two full days.
Raukura – A feather, treasure
Aroha – love
Te Raukura ō te Aroha – The feather of love
The plume of a feather helps to protect its centre, allowing it to grow strong and withhold any pressure. Just as a Māmā protects her pēpi with aroha allowing them to thrive
Cost: Free
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HapuWa/
Register: https://forms.gle/F24ZfKEjRKmbNpMZ9