Taha Hinengaro
Mental & Emotional Wellbeing
Just like your physical health, your mental health needs to be taken care of. Taha Hinengaro is your mind, heart, conscience, thoughts and feelings.
Free Wellbeing Support
Access & Choice
Ask your GP about Access & Choice.
The support is intended as a brief intervention service that is provided through a partnership between your GP, Health Improvement Practitioners, Health Coaches and Community Support Workers. These supports may involve brief intervention therapies, navigation of social services, advocacy, peer support, coaching, support to develop plans, budgeting and housing support
You might engage with Access & choice support for things like:
Emotional health & mental wellbeing
Social engagement
Paid work
Long term disability
Money matters
Family/whānau issues
Managing drug use, drinking, or gambling

Working Towards Being Smokefree for Baby
Quitting smoking is one of the best decisions you can make in your pregnancy. When you smoke, so does your pēpi. Smoking exposes your pēpi to over 7000 chemicals and can cause many complications with your pregnancy and your pēpi. Even if you’ve smoked for some of your pregnancy, quitting now will make you and your pēpi healthier. Ask your GP or midwife about nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and for a referral for extra support.
Hapū Ora Service works with young Māori and Pasifika women and the wider whānau to support them to stop smoking through a range of interventions.
This includes an incentive programme of Warehouse, PaknSave or Petrol vouchers as part of the motivation for their journey. Talk to your midwife, GP or healthcare provider about referral.
Cost: Free
Phone: 04 238 4953 or 027 229 2251
Email: puhi.miller@oratoa.co.nz
Quitine offer 24/7 online, phone and text support to quit smoking. Quitline have interpreter services for 44 languages. As well as Quitline's phone, text and online support, there are many face-to-face organisations you can meet who can help you quit smoking.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://quit.org.nz/
Phone: 0800 778 778
Text: 4006
Counselling & Support
Te Korowai Aroha Whānau Services are a kaupapa Māori community organisation utilising te ao Māori principles and practices to work with whānau and communities.
Te Korowai Aroha is based on the ethos that the 'korowai' (cloak) is able to utilise aroha/love to wrap-around whānau and communities.
Services offered include:
Kōrero-ā-kaupapa - a kaupapa Māori based therapy
Social support
Cultural supervision
Tuakana - Teina
Goal setting/planning
Grief & loss
Kaupapa sexual abuse therapy and whānau support
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.korowai.org/
Parenting is one of the most challenging and important jobs anyone can do, yet honest conversations about the many challenges and stresses parents face can be rare - especially when a parent is struggling. He Waka Eka Noa (we’re all in this together) has been created to improve the wellbeing and resilience of parents by creating a strong peer support network that fosters long lasting community connections and friendships.
Together in groups, you will explore parenting experiences, strengths, values and challenges to collectively develop strategies to enhance wellbeing. This 5 week programme is run in Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti and Hutt Valley.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.littleshadow.org.nz/he-waka-eke-noa-events
Taeaomanino Trust support Pacific families and individuals residing in Wellington, Hutt Valley, Porirua and Kāpiti to develop skills to cope with different life situations, to reflect and promote self-healing.
Therapeutic interventions will be discussed with you and your whānau, aiga potopoto or support people, and together you will all decide the best way forward. These options may include:
Wraparound services
Consultation with external agencies
Individual counselling
Family/relationship counselling
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.taeaomanino.org.nz/services/family-individual-counselling/
Kahungunu Whānau Services are a kaupapa Māori organisation providing housing solutions & social support services across the wider Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington) region. Their mahi is rooted in Whānau Ora and their organisational values; Manaakitanga, Kotahitanga, Rangatiratanga, Whanaungatanga. The team which includes social workers, counsellors, community support workers and youth workers, mentor, strengthen whānau and advocate on behalf of whānau with other providers.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.nkkp.org.nz/
Phone: 0800 ĀWHINA
Piki is available to Rangatahi aged 18-25 living in the Greater Wellington region. Piki have therapists and support options located across Kapiti, Wairarapa, Hutt Valley, Porirua and Wellington.
Piki offers free access to:
Multiple sessions with a trained Mental Health Therapist, at a place and time that works for you
Links to 24/7 support through phone and web services
Peer support options
Cost: Free
Visit: https://piki.org.nz/
KWC is committed to providing a free, safe, confidential service which abides by the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards of the National Association of Counsellors (NZAC). The team of dedicated volunteer counsellors are able to offer you around eight counselling sessions. A detailed information booklet on this free service is available from the Kāpiti Womens Centre.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://kapitiwomenscentre.org.nz/category/counselling/
Phone: 04 902 6222
Porirua Women’s Centre is open between 10am – 3pm, Monday – Friday. The centre offers a supportive drop in space where you can come to chat, seek support or attend group sessions. The centre provides links to counselling, support with housing, Women’s Refuge and Porirua Living without Violence.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.facebook.com/poriruawomenscentre/
Phone: 04 237 9224
Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa (PADA) are a national charity championing awareness and facilitating best practice in perinatal mental health and wellbeing to ensure all families have access to appropriate information and support. As well as useful factsheets about antenatal depression, postnatal depression, baby loss and more, PADA also have a list of support services you can find in your region.
Visit: https://pada.nz/fact-sheets-research/
Wellington Women’s Health Collective offers a welcoming and safe space for women to access information and support including:
A non-judgemental and empathetic listener
Guidance and advice, and referrals to other agencies if necessary
Tools and techniques that may improve or help you cope with your situation
Referring to the Health Collective's own counselling services
Cost: The Collective feels strongly that people on low or no income have access to low cost, and professional, support and counselling services. All of our counsellors are affiliated with a professional body and receive regular supervision. In order to maintain affordability the collective ask their clients for a koha. $20 is the suggested donation per session.
Wellington Women’s Health Collective are funded to support women with low or no income. This can mean women who are:
On a benefit
Working part-time on low wages
Not in paid employment
If you are not sure whether you would be eligible, please contact the support service on 022 323 5008 or email: support@wwhc.org.nz
If you are not eligible for counselling with us the collective can help you find low-cost counselling elsewhere.
Visit: https://wwhc.org.nz/
Phone: 04 384 7709
If you’re struggling with past or present sexual trauma, Sexual Abuse Help offers a crisis support line, social work and counselling services. Contact them to find out what might be the best fit for you, or call them if you need to speak to someone immediately about what you’re going through.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.wellingtonhelp.org.nz/
Crisis 24/7 support line: 04 801 6655 & push 0 at the menu
Non urgent phone: 04 801 6655 & press 1 at the menu
Greenstone Doors is a charitable trust which functions as a pregnancy focused centre where women and whānau are able to receive accurate and professional information and care.
Greenstone Doors provide education, counselling, resources and support for women and their families during and after pregnancy through an independent network of counselling and support professionals.
Greenstone Doors also provide a free baby clothing service, playgroups for whānau and men’s programmes.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.greenstonedoors.co.nz/
Little Shadow offers counselling and support for parents experiencing perinatal distress, depression, grief, loss and anxiety. Little Shadow believes the road to recovery, resilience and wellness all begins with a little help. Little Shadow supports parents giving birth as well as partners, and provides individual and couples counselling.
Cost: $55 - $90 or subsidised if eligible for an MSD subsidy
Asian Helpline provides nationwide free and confidential services from Monday – Friday between 9am – 8pm. The helpline is available in ten languages including Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Hindi and English. Asian Helping helps Asian people in Aotearoa to access appropriate counselling support.
Asian Wellbeing Services (AWS) provides professional and confidential psychological interventions and tailor-made education and workshops. AWS are a team of registered professionals offering a wide range of counselling and psychological services. The AWS team includes counsellors, art therapists, psychologists, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists and addiction therapists. AWS provides a culturally appropriate, multi-lingual service.
Cost: Fees vary depending on type of service provided ($120 – 210+GST)
Visit: https://www.asianfamilyservices.nz/services/asian-wellbeing-services/
Te Haika is a mental health and addiction contact centre for people in crisis or experiencing severe mental health or addiction problems. It’s staffed 24/7 by mental health and addiction professionals. If you are in crisis, but your immediate safety is not in danger, you can call Te Haika. If you are in immediate danger, call 111. If your query is urgent, and you have been waiting on the phone for longer than 15 minutes, please email TeHaika@mhaids.health.nz. A clinician will call you back within 10 minutes. Please provide a direct dial number.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.mhaids.health.nz/our-services/do-you-or-does-someone-you-know-need-help-now/
Phone: 0800 745 477
The Maternal Mental Health Service is for māmā who are hapū or have a pēpi under 1 year old (at the time of referral) who are experiencing severe mental health issues. Self-referrals are not accepted and must be received by your GP, midwife or another health professional.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.mhaids.health.nz/our-services/specialist-maternal-mental-health-service/

Connecting with Other Parents
Ora Toa host a coffee morning every other Thursday from 10am - 12pm so you can connect with other local māmā in your community. There is usually a guest speaker who can offer information, and a warm, friendly environment with coffee and snacks. Bring your pepi & tamariki under 5 along.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.facebook.com/Ora-Toa-PHO-183054478371616/
Mothers Network provide safe, facilitated group sessions and events that offer a non-judgemental space for you to share the realities of motherhood with other māmā. Mothers Network focus on your needs first, helping guide you through the challenges and changes of motherhood.
Cost: Mothers Network operates on a pay it forward model. That means your spot was funded by the generous donation of a previous group attendee. Mothers Network invite you to do the same and pay it forward for another māmā. Mothers Network try to raise $60 per person for each group and then try to cover the rest through grants. Mothers Network know whānau finances vary, so it's completely up to you to decide what you’re able to contribute.
Becoming a parent and raising tamariki is a huge change in your life. If you’re used to being in a work environment, or surrounded by people, being at home with your pēpi can feel lonely. It can be good to connect with others sharing similar experiences. PIN groups are held in different locations around the Wellington region and provide a supportive place for parents to come together and share experiences and information on parenting. PIN groups are also a great way to help tamariki interact with each other and begin to develop their social skills.
Cost: Free
For more information and to book your place, visit: https://bookwhen.com/pin
Kāpiti Youth Service (KYS) offers parent coaching, a triple P parenting programme (Positive Parenting Programme) and a young parent group for parents under 25 years.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://kys.org.nz/
Evolve parents group is a social group that runs weekly. The group is open to any parents, partners or parents to be under the age of 25 and their pēpi. The group is located at Evolve Youth Service on Cuba St or other tamariki friendly places around Wellington.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://evolveyouth.org.nz
Support with Grief & Loss
Miscarriage Support offers support and information to the many hapū people and their whānau throughout Aotearoa who grieve for the loss of their pēpi.
Heart Song is a Skylight facilitated group for parents in the Wellington region who have been bereaved by the loss of a child of any age. They may have died recently, or a long time ago. The grief of bereaved parents is unique.
The support group offers understanding, friendship, hope, a place to talk about your child and your loss, and helpful information and ideas for dealing with grief and everyday situations.
The group was started by bereaved parents who know what a huge difference it makes to meet others who have been through a similar loss. Everyone is welcome.
Visit: https://www.skylight.org.nz/get-support/support-groups/bereaved-parents-support
Sands Wellington-Hutt Valley is a voluntary organisation that provides support and information to parents and whānau following the loss of a pēpi or tamariki. Whether your pēpi died in pregnancy, around birth, as an infant or toddler, and no matter how your pēpi died, you are welcome and SANDS can offer their support.
Sands run support meetings in the community, provide individual support on the phone or in person (when able to), lend out books and resources and hold events.
Cost: Free
Greenstone Doors is a charitable trust which functions as a pregnancy focused centre where women and whānau are able to receive accurate and professional information and care.
Greenstone Doors provide counselling after pregnancy loss, miscarriage, stillbirth and abortion.
Takari Mai te Ata welcome you no matter who you are, and where you are from. They understand that quitting is hard. The regional stop smoking service is designed to meet your needs, and give you the best chance of quitting and staying smoke-free.
Benefits include:
Intensive one on one support with a qualified ‘quit coach’
Home visits, workplace supports and community clinics
Free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
A complementary approach to Quitline services that offers 24/7 support
A programme especially designed for hapū māmā and their whānau
Talk to your GP, Midwife or Tamariki Ora Well Child provider about connecting in with Takari Mai te Ata.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.takirimai.org.nz/index.php?page=service&t=2302
Phone: 0800 926 257