Taha Hinengaro

Mental & Emotional Wellbeing

Just like your physical health, your mental health needs to be taken care of. Taha Hinengaro is your mind, heart, conscience, thoughts and feelings.


Free Wellbeing Support

Access & Choice

Ask your GP about Access & Choice.

The support is intended as a brief intervention service that is provided through a partnership between your GP, Health Improvement Practitioners, Health Coaches and Community Support Workers. These supports may involve brief intervention therapies, navigation of social services, advocacy, peer support, coaching, support to develop plans, budgeting and housing support


You might engage with Access & choice support for things like:

  • Emotional health & mental wellbeing

  • Housing

  • Social engagement

  • Paid work

  • WINZ

  • Long term disability

  • Money matters

  • Family/whānau issues

  • Managing drug use, drinking, or gambling


Working Towards Being Smokefree for Baby

Quitting smoking is one of the best decisions you can make in your pregnancy. When you smoke, so does your pēpi. Smoking exposes your pēpi to over 7000 chemicals and can cause many complications with your pregnancy and your pēpi. Even if you’ve smoked for some of your pregnancy, quitting now will make you and your pēpi healthier. Ask your GP or midwife about nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and for a referral for extra support.


Counselling & Support


Connecting with Other Parents


Support with Grief & Loss