Pacific Services
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Education
Anofale is a series of 11 group sessions held on Wednesday mornings during term time 11.30am-12.30pm at the Pasifika Hub, 2 Dudley St, Hutt City. The Anofale groups support learning and conversations in a Pacific context about the journey through Antenatal, Labour and Postnatal periods. Anofale is free to attend and designed specifically for the needs of Pasifika mama and families.
Cost: Free
Antenatal programmes that are part of a wraparound service, delivering holistic and culturally appropriate services to whānau.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.taeaomanino.org.nz/contact/
Phone: 0800 345 345
If you are Māori or Pacific and need extra support with breastfeeding, you can call or text to speak to or make an appointment with a Māori or Pacific Breastfeeding Peer Support Counsellor and Advocate.
Cost: Free
Hours: 8:30am – 4.30pm
Phone: 04 978 2945
Support with Keeping Healthy
Kornelia provides traditional Samoan massage (Fofo) for pregnant Mama, postnatal Mama after 6 weeks, baby massages, women who are trying to become pregnant or those needing healing from their births.
She offers her services to all Midwives as well as she understands the work we do can be tiring and stressful and that we too need to be cared for. Kornelia has learnt her craft from her grandmother and great grandmother and has practiced for over 20 years off and on but more recently she has decided to do this full time.
The benefits of her Fofo (massage) are many but mainly include mental, emotional, spiritual and of course physical wellbeing. She prioritises her service for Pasefika and Maori mama and makes it accessible and affordable but, her Fofo is not exclusive and is open for ALL pregnant mama and their aiga/whanau/family as well as support people.
She understands that including the family and support people is vital to the wellbeing of the mama and practicing in a holistic manner benefits all.
Location: 100 Riddiford Street, Newtown (Upstairs from Flight Centre and next to Newtown Dentists)
Cost: $30.00 for 30 minutes
Email: traditionalsamoanmassage@gmail.com
Facebook: Kornelia Smith - Traditional Samoan Massage
Mobile: 027 272 6005 (text or direct)
Green Prescription is a FREE service providing physical activity and nutrition support. The programme is tailored to adults and whānau, including tamariki, rangatahi, hapū māmā.
Green Prescription is available in Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa.
You will receive:
• Tailored health and wellbeing support
• Home visits and group-based consultations
• Regular one-on-one check-ins
To apply, click on the link below or ask your midwife or any Healthcare professional, to make a referral. Medical centres are welcome to refer from Patient Management software including HealthLink e-referral or bestpractice e-referral. Any questions please email grx@nukuora.org.nz
Cost: Free
Watch: Watch: https://youtu.be/L3ulRbZuJE0
Visit: https://www.nukuora.org.nz/active-health-and-wellness/green-prescription-self-referral-application/
Atareira support whānau with mental health or addiction concerns. They provide information, advocacy and support for families, aiga & whānau, as well as a specialised children’s programme.
Cost: Free
Phone: 04 499 1049
Email: enquiries@atareira.org.nz
Visit: https://www.atareira.org.nz/
Taeaomanino provide confidential, quality and primary drug counselling to people in the Greater Pōneke region (Kāpiti, Porirua and Pōneke), especially to Pacific people and their families. The service aims to:
Promote responsible use of alcohol
Reduce health risks, crime and social disruption associated with the inappropriate use of alcohol and or drugs
Enable whānau and communities to gain control over their health and improve it by limiting the harmful use of alcohol and drugs
Reduce excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs, and their associated injuries, violence and other harm it causes, particularly on roads, in workplaces, in and around drinking environments and at home
Assist with providing progress reports to the courts
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.taeaomanino.org.nz/services/alcohol-and-other-drug-counselling/
Keeping Safe
Taeaomanino Family Violence Service provides a response to child abuse prevention and domestic violence. It centres attention on Pacific children, mothers and or fathers who are exposed to violence in the home and the community. The service is available to all Pacific individuals and whānau in Pōneke, Hutt Valley, Porirua and Kapiti.
The goals of this service include:
Increasing awareness about exposure to violence.
Identifying affected children/victims
Intervening with parents in order to help them ensure the safety and well-being of their children at all times
Encouraging perpetrators and survivors of family violence to self-refer for intervention through the one-on-one counselling programme.
Cost: Free
Phone: 0800 345 345
Visit: https://www.taeaomanino.org.nz/services/family-violence-prevention/
Family Support
Pacific Health Service Hutt Valley is an independent health service working closely with our Pasefika community of 12,000 people in the Hutt Valley north of Wellington. They provide community engagement, development, support, health services and social services such as:
Healthy lifestyle programmes with a focus on physical activity, nutrition support and overall wellness
Community-led wellness initiatives
Smoking cessation support
Support for fanau affected by Covid-19
Ensure culturally safe clinical and manaaki services
Primary outreach nursing service
Family violence prevention programme
Alcohol and drug addiction counselling
Cost: Free
Te Kākano / Family Start is a programme that helps give tamariki the best possible start in life. It provides free, intensive home-visiting support to whānau who may be struggling with challenges or problems that make it harder for them to provide their tamariki with the care and support they need. The Te Kākano / Family Start whānau workers work alongside whānau to:
help tamariki grow strong, learn, stay healthy and have positive relationships;
help whānau be more confident about caring for their child;
help whānau create a strong and positive future for their child.
Visits from our Te Kākano/ Family Start whānau workers can start in the early stages of pregnancy (from 12 weeks) and referrals are taken up until a baby is one year old. In some cases it’s also possible to refer children aged between one and two. If the whānau identifies ongoing needs, whānau workers can stay involved until the child goes to school.
Referrals can be made in two ways:
Whānau can refer themselves
Whānau can be referred by another organisation who is working with them or who has worked with them in the past, such as a midwife or a district health board staff member.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.wesleyca.org.nz/what-we-do/parenting-and-families/family-start/
Taeaomanino Trust support Pacific families and individuals residing in Pōneke, Hutt Valley, Porirua and Kāpiti to develop skills to cope with different life situations, to reflect and promote self-healing.
Therapeutic interventions will be discussed with you and your whānau, aiga potopoto or support people, and together you will all decide the best way forward. These options may include:
Wraparound services
Consultation with external agencies
Individual counselling
Family/relationship counselling
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.taeaomanino.org.nz/services/family-individual-counselling/
Pasefika Talanoa Education are 3 Pasefika midwives offering free pregnancy talanoa education (antenatal education) sessions for pregnant Pasefika women. The sessions aim to empower women with knowledge to help them understand the journey they are on, enable them to make decisions for themselves during and after their pregnancy and provide education that is fun and in a safe environment.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.pasefikamidwivescollective.co.nz/