Taha Tinana
Physical Wellbeing
Nourishing and strengthening your physical wellbeing helps you to cope with the ups and downs of life. Feeling physically well helps you feel mentally well.
Staying Healthy During Pregnancy
A small private GP clinic dedicated to those seeking specialist women's health services. In a supportive and welcoming environment, Dr Alice Zwart and Nurse Practitioner Georgie Clareburt offer both private consultations and procedures, as well as funded procedures via ACC and PHO pathways (criteria apply).
Services include:
provision of contraception such as insertion and removal of IUD's and implants
investigation and management of period problems
assessment of maternal birth injury under ACC and management of urinary incontinence/prolapse
advice navigating hormonal issues such as PMS, PMDD, Perimenopause and Menopause
management of female sexual health concerns such as recurrent thrush, vulval pain and low libido
Location: 40 Ihakara Street, Paraparaumu (located within Paraparaumu Medical Centre)
Parking: ample free parking within the practice carpark
Hours: Tuesday 9.30 am - 4.30 pm and Thursday 9.30 am -12.30 pm
Cost: https://www.kapitiwomenshealth.co.nz/fees and https://www.kapitiwomenshealth.co.nz/faqs
Email: Enquiries welcome to hello@kapitiwomenshealth.co.nz or Phone: 022 314 3032
During pregnancy, it is important you are protected against infections and illnesses that can be harmful to you and your baby. The best way to be sure of this protection is to get the recommended vaccinations at the appropriate time.
Pregnant women are recommended to get the flu vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine at any stage of pregnancy, and whooping cough vaccine from 16 weeks of pregnancy. They can be given at the same time or separately.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.health.govt.nz/your-health/healthy-living/immunisation/immunisation-pregnant-women
Pēpi are born with some immunity to certain infections because antibodies are passed on to them through the placenta before birth. However pēpi and tamariki need immunisations to provide ongoing protection from many life-threatening diseases. The World Health Organisation and the Ministry of Health recommend immunising your pēpi/tamariki. Speak to you midwife, doctor or nurse if you have questions.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.healthed.govt.nz/resource/childhood-immunisation
During pregnancy, you will be offered screening tests by your midwife or doctor to check that you and your pēpi are healthy.
Screening tests and checks you may be offered include:
·First antenatal bloods
Blood pressure monitoring
Antenatal screening for Down syndrome and other trisomy conditions
STI testing
Urine screening
Abdominal palpation (checking the growth of pēpi)
Ultrasound scans
Diabetes screening
Family violence risk assessment
Visit: https://www.healthnavigator.org.nz/health-a-z/p/pregnancy-screening-tests-and-checks/#blood
Cervical cancer is one of the easiest cancers to prevent – as long as we detect the cell changes that cause it, early. All women between 25 and 69 who have ever been sexually active should have regular three-yearly smear tests.
It's completely up to you who takes your screen. You can choose to go to your regular doctor or choose to go to:
any doctor or practice nurse
Family Planning
your sexual health service
marae-based or other Māori health centres
community health services, eg, Pacific or women’s health centre
You can request a female screen taker from most services. Whoever you choose, all screen takers are specially trained to make sure the test is comfortable, and meets your rights as a patient.
Cervical smears can be taken in pregnancy but if you are planning a pregnancy it is recommended that you make sure your smears are up to date or arrange to have one earlier than usual so any possible abnormal smear can be investigated before you are pregnant.
Cost: Variable depending on location. Speak to your GP to see if you are eligible for a free cervical smear.
Green Prescription is a FREE service providing physical activity and nutrition support. The programme is tailored to adults and whānau, including tamariki, rangatahi, hapū māmā.
Green Prescription is available in Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa.
You will receive:
• Tailored health and wellbeing support
• Home visits and group-based consultations
• Regular one-on-one check-ins
To apply, click on the link below or ask your midwife or any Healthcare professional, to make a referral. Medical centres are welcome to refer from Patient Management software including HealthLink e-referral or bestpractice e-referral. Any questions please email grx@nukuora.org.nz
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.nukuora.org.nz/active-health-and-wellness/green-prescription-self-referral-application/

Support with Kai
31 Wise Street, Wainuiomata
Monday - Friday, 9.00am – 2.00pm
0800 926 257
Email address: patakakai@kokiri-hauora.org.nz
Contact: https://www.patakai.co.nz/contact-us.html
Website: Contact: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066160106080
Generic Hutt Council Foodbank: https://www.huttcity.govt.nz/people-and-communities/community-support/food-banks
A partnership between the local community, Regional Public Health and Wesley Community Action gets you a pack of local, fresh, seasonal produce every week at a low price, which is ideal for households operating on a budget.
The Co-op has 40 pick-up locations across the region. Hauora Kai (healthy food) is Good for growers. Good for community. Good for you.
Visit: www.hauorakai.nz
Bellyful deliver frozen, precooked meals to whānau with babies or young children, who need support. Bellyful accepts self-referrals as well as referrals from friends, whānau and health professionals.
Visit: www.bellyful.org.nz
Cost: Free
WELLfed deliver free adult education cooking classes. WELLfed teach participants how to plan, shop and safely prepare and cook low cost health meals, with a strong focus on seasonal fresh fruit and vegetables. WELLfed have free childcare onsite to make it even easier to come along.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.wellfed.kiwi/

Caring for Baby
Kornelia provides traditional Samoan massage (Fofo) for pregnant Mama, postnatal Mama after 6 weeks, baby massages, women who are trying to become pregnant or those needing healing from their births.
She offers her services to all Midwives as well as she understands the work we do can be tiring and stressful and that we too need to be cared for. Kornelia has learnt her craft from her grandmother and great grandmother and has practiced for over 20 years off and on but more recently she has decided to do this full time.
The benefits of her Fofo (massage) are many but mainly include mental, emotional, spiritual and of course physical wellbeing. She prioritises her service for Pasefika and Maori mama and makes it accessible and affordable but, her Fofo is not exclusive and is open for ALL pregnant mama and their aiga/whanau/family as well as support people.
She understands that including the family and support people is vital to the wellbeing of the mama and practicing in a holistic manner benefits all.
Location: 100 Riddiford Street, Newtown (Upstairs from Flight Centre and next to Newtown Dentists)
Cost: $30.00 for 30 minutes
Email: traditionalsamoanmassage@gmail.com
Facebook: Kornelia Smith - Traditional Samoan Massage
Mobile: 027 272 6005 (text or direct)
Safe sleep - Moe Ora Mo Ngā Pepi Programme:
Kōkiri Marae Health and Social Services
We provide Wahakura & Pepi-pod safe sleep devices (Beds) including a mattress & bedding pack as well as provide safe sleep education to our māmā & their whānau.
Our programmes are Whānau Ora driven and we work alongside many community organizations that are available within the region to support and manaaki our hapu mama & their whānau in their journey through pregnancy and parenthood.
Referral Criteria:
We prioritise support to Māori & Pacific māmā who are pregnant or have had a pepi, spanning across the Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt region.
We prioritise pepi who are most at risk of SUDI who meet two of the following criteria:
1. A smoke exposed pepi
2. Māori or Pasifika
3. Safety Concerns such as: Low birth weight, Co-Sleeping and/or Premature birth.
Cost: Free
Phone Marice Martin for more information:
022 077 4430 or 0800 926 257 (via Pātaka Kai Line)
It is important to enrol your pēpi with a GP. This will make it easier for you to get an appointment when your pēpi needs to see a doctor. After your pēpi is born, let your GP practice know and discuss booking a 6 week check and immunisations.
Cost: Free until your tamariki is 14 years old
The Well Child Tamariki Ora program provides free health visits and support for children under five years old.
For more information about the Well Child Tamariki Ora program, please refer to the booklet linked here: Well Child Tamariki Ora Booklet
The specific services available are:
Kāpiti - Hora Te Pai
Contact: 027 434 9206
Porirua - Maraeroa Marae and Health Clinic
Contact: (04) 235 8000
Wellington and Porirua – Ora Toa Health Services
Website: https://www.oratoa.co.nz/
Contact: 0800 862 672
Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti - Vaka Atafaga Pacific Nursing Service
Website: https://www.vakaatafaga.org.nz/
Contact: 04 213 8760 or 021 459 651
Hutt Valley - Te Rūnanga o Te Āti Awa
Website: https://atiawa.com/
Contact: 0800 RAUKURA or 0800 728 5872
Hutt Valley - Pacific Health Service - Thriving Cores
Contact: (04) 577 0394
Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti and Wairarapa - Whānau Āwhina Plunket
Website: https://www.plunket.org.nz/
Contact: 0800 184 803
24/7 Parent helpline: 0800 933 922
Pacific Health Service Thriving Cores offer all core checks as outlined in your Well Childbook, in line with the Ministry of Health Well Child Tamariki Ora framework and schedule.
Pacific Health Service offer:
Free Well Child checks (age 0 - 5)
Appointments in your home or clinic
After hours and weekend appointments available
Social services support available
Toloa mental health support available for fanau with mild to moderate depression
Complimentary talanoa with a nutritionist for ages 2-5 years
Support with accessing a safe sleep bed
Cost: Free
Plunket offers free health and development checks for your tamariki through home, clinic and virtual visits. Well Child Tamariki Ora Services care for you and your pēpi from when pēpi is around 6 weeks old (after you have been discharged from your midwife) to before school. Plunket also offer Services such as
PIN Group (Plunket in the neighbourhood) – Social Connection Groups for new parents and their whanau. Under the current COVID Traffic Light System these are run online and or face to face in different areas. To find out more or to register, click on the link https://bookwhen.com/pin
Ask your midwife about Well Child Tamariki Ora options. They will refer you to the provider of your choice.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.plunket.org.nz
Phone: 04 460 4660
PlunketLine is a free parent helpline and advice service available to all families, whānau and caregivers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When you call PlunketLine your call will be answered by a Plunket nurse, who can give you advice and information on parenting issues and your child’s health and wellbeing. You don't need to be a Plunket client to use PlunketLine.
Phone: 0800 933 922
Parents Centre run a “Baby & You” course. A new baby comes with uncertainties. Your tiny bundle may rule the entire household through their routines, sleep patterns and behaviours. This can be very challenging for a new parent.
Baby and You discussion topics include the realities of the postnatal period, as well as identifying physical, emotional and relationship changes. Babies grow quickly and they go through a variety of stages as you are getting to know them. Baby and You explores the first three months of your baby’s life and give practical information about feeding, sleep, stimulation for babies, age-appropriate toys and the key milestones of your baby’s growth.
Cost: Variable depending on centre
Newborn metabolic screening is a free test that screens for over 20 rare but potentially serious conditions that can make your baby very sick.
The screening test is done when your baby is 48 hours (2 days) old or as soon as possible after this – it can be done in hospital or at home. Your midwife will collect a small amount of blood from your baby’s heel onto a blood spot card.
Finding out early that your baby has a condition means that treatment can start quickly, before your baby becomes sick.
It is your decision to have your baby screened. Around 99% of babies in NZ are screened. The Ministry of Health strongly recommends screening for your baby.
Cost: Free
Newborn hearing screening is a safe and simple check to find out if your baby hears well. The screen is designed to pick up moderate to profound hearing loss. It may not pick up mild hearing loss.
This test is free and is usually done before you and your baby go home from hospital. If your baby is born at home or is not screened before you go home, the newborn hearing screening service will contact you to arrange an appointment.
Ideally, your baby will be screened within the first few days of birth and screening should be completed by the time your baby is 1 month old. However, your baby can be screened up until they are 3 months old.
You do not need a referral to have your baby’s hearing screened. Your baby will be automatically referred when they are born.
Cost: Free

Breastfeeding Support
Nipple Pain
The WellKiwis Study is leading ground-breaking research on how our first exposure to the flu shapes immunity for life.
This international study, led by Dr. Sue Huang, aims to develop a universal flu vaccine that could prevent pandemics and save lives.
They’re now recruiting pregnant people and babies up to six months from the Hutt and Wellington regions. Participants gain healthcare and other benefits by joining and becoming part of the WellKiwis whānau. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to make a difference!
Learn more: www.wellkiwis.co.nz
A small private GP clinic dedicated to those seeking specialist women's health services. In a supportive and welcoming environment, Dr Alice Zwart and Nurse Practitioner Georgie Clareburt offer both private consultations and procedures, as well as funded procedures via ACC and PHO pathways (criteria apply).
Services include:
provision of contraception such as insertion and removal of IUD's and implants
investigation and management of period problems
assessment of maternal birth injury under ACC and management of urinary incontinence/prolapse
advice navigating hormonal issues such as PMS, PMDD, Perimenopause and Menopause
management of female sexual health concerns such as recurrent thrush, vulval pain and low libido
Location: 40 Ihakara Street, Paraparaumu (located within Paraparaumu Medical Centre)
Parking: ample free parking within the practice carpark
Hours: Tuesday 9.30 am - 4.30 pm and Thursday 9.30 am -12.30 pm
Cost: https://www.kapitiwomenshealth.co.nz/fees and https://www.kapitiwomenshealth.co.nz/faqs
Email: Enquiries welcome to hello@kapitiwomenshealth.co.nz or Phone: 022 314 3032
Kornelia provides traditional Samoan massage (Fofo) for pregnant Mama, postnatal Mama after 6 weeks, baby massages, women who are trying to become pregnant or those needing healing from their births.
She offers her services to all Midwives as well as she understands the work we do can be tiring and stressful and that we too need to be cared for. Kornelia has learnt her craft from her grandmother and great grandmother and has practiced for over 20 years off and on but more recently she has decided to do this full time.
The benefits of her Fofo (massage) are many but mainly include mental, emotional, spiritual and of course physical wellbeing. She prioritises her service for Pasefika and Maori mama and makes it accessible and affordable but, her Fofo is not exclusive and is open for ALL pregnant mama and their aiga/whanau/family as well as support people.
She understands that including the family and support people is vital to the wellbeing of the mama and practicing in a holistic manner benefits all.
Location: 100 Riddiford Street, Newtown (Upstairs from Flight Centre and next to Newtown Dentists)
Cost: $30.00 for 30 minutes
Email: traditionalsamoanmassage@gmail.com
Facebook: Kornelia Smith - Traditional Samoan Massage
Mobile: 027 272 6005 (text or direct)
Porirua Breastfeeding Centre is a supportive drop-in space assisting you with your breastfeeding concerns. The team is passionate to work alongside mama, pepi and whanau to assist in their journey.
You will be supported by a Lactation Consultant and Breastfeeding Support Advocates.
Services include:
Use of lactaids.
Tongue tie assessments.
Location: Te Puna Wairua, 7 Mungavin Avenue, Porirua.
Parking: Free parking behind the building can be accessed via Champion St (Cheyne and Sissons driveway) or McKillop St (between Anglican Church and RSA). Rear access to the building via surgery gate.
Hours: Tuesday 10am - 1:30pm
Cost: Free
Phone: 04 978 2945
Safe sleep - Moe Ora Mo Ngā Pepi Programme:
Kōkiri Marae Health and Social Services
We provide Wahakura & Pepi-pod safe sleep devices (Beds) including a mattress & bedding pack as well as provide safe sleep education to our māmā & their whānau.
Our programmes are Whānau Ora driven and we work alongside many community organizations that are available within the region to support and manaaki our hapu mama & their whānau in their journey through pregnancy and parenthood.
Referral Criteria:
We prioritise support to Māori & Pacific māmā who are pregnant or have had a pepi, spanning across the Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt region.
We prioritise pepi who are most at risk of SUDI who meet two of the following criteria:
1. A smoke exposed pepi
2. Māori or Pasifika
3. Safety Concerns such as: Low birth weight, Co-Sleeping and/or Premature birth.
Cost: Free
Phone Marice Martin for more information:
022 077 4430 or 0800 926 257 (via Pātaka Kai Line)
31 Wise Street, Wainuiomata
Monday - Friday, 9.00am – 2.00pm
0800 926 257
Email address: patakakai@kokiri-hauora.org.nz
Contact: https://www.patakai.co.nz/contact-us.html
Website: Contact: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066160106080
Generic Hutt Council Foodbank: https://www.huttcity.govt.nz/people-and-communities/community-support/food-banks
A partnership between the local community, Regional Public Health and Wesley Community Action gets you a pack of local, fresh, seasonal produce every week at a low price, which is ideal for households operating on a budget.
The Co-op has 40 pick-up locations across the region. Hauora Kai (healthy food) is Good for growers. Good for community. Good for you.
Visit: www.hauorakai.nz
Zoom (Webinar) Breastfeeding Classes
Zoom (Telehealth) Lactation Consultancy Service
All you need is good internet and a device with a camera and microphone for education all in the comfort of your own home. Ideal for rural and busy urban families.
Weekday breastfeeding classes - $25.00, and weekends $30
Lactation consultancy, initial appointment 50 minutes - $125.00, and follow-up appointment 30 minutes, $65.00
Check out our website: www.thriveunder3.co.nz
Contact details: info@thriveunder3.co.nz
It is important to enrol your pēpi with a GP. This will make it easier for you to get an appointment when your pēpi needs to see a doctor. After your pēpi is born, let your GP practice know and discuss booking a 6 week check and immunisations.
Cost: Free until your tamariki is 14 years old
During pregnancy, it is important you are protected against infections and illnesses that can be harmful to you and your baby. The best way to be sure of this protection is to get the recommended vaccinations at the appropriate time.
Pregnant women are recommended to get the flu vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine at any stage of pregnancy, and whooping cough vaccine from 16 weeks of pregnancy. They can be given at the same time or separately.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.health.govt.nz/your-health/healthy-living/immunisation/immunisation-pregnant-women
Pēpi are born with some immunity to certain infections because antibodies are passed on to them through the placenta before birth. However pēpi and tamariki need immunisations to provide ongoing protection from many life-threatening diseases. The World Health Organisation and the Ministry of Health recommend immunising your pēpi/tamariki. Speak to you midwife, doctor or nurse if you have questions.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.healthed.govt.nz/resource/childhood-immunisation
During pregnancy, you will be offered screening tests by your midwife or doctor to check that you and your pēpi are healthy.
Screening tests and checks you may be offered include:
·First antenatal bloods
Blood pressure monitoring
Antenatal screening for Down syndrome and other trisomy conditions
STI testing
Urine screening
Abdominal palpation (checking the growth of pēpi)
Ultrasound scans
Diabetes screening
Family violence risk assessment
Visit: https://www.healthnavigator.org.nz/health-a-z/p/pregnancy-screening-tests-and-checks/#blood
Cervical cancer is one of the easiest cancers to prevent – as long as we detect the cell changes that cause it, early. All women between 25 and 69 who have ever been sexually active should have regular three-yearly smear tests.
It's completely up to you who takes your screen. You can choose to go to your regular doctor or choose to go to:
any doctor or practice nurse
Family Planning
your sexual health service
marae-based or other Māori health centres
community health services, eg, Pacific or women’s health centre
You can request a female screen taker from most services. Whoever you choose, all screen takers are specially trained to make sure the test is comfortable, and meets your rights as a patient.
Cervical smears can be taken in pregnancy but if you are planning a pregnancy it is recommended that you make sure your smears are up to date or arrange to have one earlier than usual so any possible abnormal smear can be investigated before you are pregnant.
Cost: Variable depending on location. Speak to your GP to see if you are eligible for a free cervical smear.
Green Prescription is a FREE service providing physical activity and nutrition support. The programme is tailored to adults and whānau, including tamariki, rangatahi, hapū māmā.
Green Prescription is available in Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa.
You will receive:
• Tailored health and wellbeing support
• Home visits and group-based consultations
• Regular one-on-one check-ins
To apply, click on the link below or ask your midwife or any Healthcare professional, to make a referral. Medical centres are welcome to refer from Patient Management software including HealthLink e-referral or bestpractice e-referral. Any questions please email grx@nukuora.org.nz
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.nukuora.org.nz/active-health-and-wellness/green-prescription-self-referral-application/
Whāngai Pēpē provides free breastfeeding support for Māori and Pacific whānau in Te Awa Kairangi and whānau who are enrolled in other Rūnanga Services (inc Tamariki Ora, Waiwhetu Medical Centre, Waiwhetu Hapū Ora Clinic).
The Whāngai Pēpē kaimahi are available Monday – Thursday with a drop in clinic at Te Atiawa Ora in Wainuiomata.
The friendly team of breastfeeding kaimahi offer:
Clinic appointments
Online or phone consultations
Home visit
Drop-in clinic (during term time Wednesdays 10.30am -12.30pm at the Te Āti Awa Ora Wainuiomata – 17 Fraser Street Wainuiuomata (entrance and parking Via Simmonds cres)
Breast Pump usage
Breastfeeding support from antenatal
Whāngai Pēpē sits under the korowai of Te Rūnaganui o Te Āti Awa.
Please contact the team to support you on your breastfeeding journey.
Location: 148 Whites Line East, Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt & 17 Fraser Street Wainuiomata
Cost: Free
Email: whangaipepe@atiawa.com
Kaimahi will meet and greet Māori and Pacific mama and pepi during your postnatal stay in hospital, and will continue to support you in the community upon discharge. You may call or text to speak with a team member whom are supported in their role by a lactation consultant.
We offer:
Māori or Pacific Breastfeeding Peer Support Counsellor, and Advocates.
Inpatient introduction to service and kaimahi.
Community support via phone, text or home visits.
Support devices to help breastfeeding journey.
Drop-in centre (Tuesdays 10:30am - 1:30pm)
Orange Support Services card attached to your well-child book.
Cost: Free
Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Phone: 04 978 2945
The Milk Café takes place every Tuesday (during school term) 12-2pm at Te Awakairangi Birth Centre. Free 60 minute parking on site.
An experienced IBCLC hosts a drop in centre for māmā who are wanting support with breastfeeding, pēpi sleeping and more. The centre also offers the opportunity for you to meet other māmā and build connections.
Cost: Free
Location: Upstairs, 2 Connolly Street, Lower Hutt.
Plunket Line provide a lactation consultant video calling service. Your pēpi does not have to be enrolled with Plunket as their Tamariki Ora provider. Call the free 24/7 number and one of the nurses will do an assessment and book you an appointment with one of Plunket’s International Board Certified Lactation Consultants.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.plunket.org.nz/caring-for-your-child/feeding/breastfeeding/vcbreastfeeding/
Phone: 0800 933 922
This is a smartphone app that you can download to help learn the key principles of breastfeeding.
Search for “Mama Aroha” in both the Apple and Google Play app stores.
A non-profit community based centre, where māmā and pēpi can get expert help with breastfeeding and support with parenting. You can see a Certified Lactation Consultant on Monday monrings during term time. Booking is essential.
Visit: http://www.wellingtonbreastfeeding.co.nz/
Location: Domino Midwives Rooms, Lychgate Centre, 100 Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington.
Cost: Free but a koha is appreciated. $20 - $40 for those who can afford it is suggested.
Hours: Monday 9am – 12pm
Phone or text: 021 355 041
La Leche League provide support and information about breastfeeding, as well as monthly meetings in your area.
Cost: Free
Kāpiti Breastfeeding support can help you with any breastfeeding issues you and your baby are experiencing.
Cost: Free
Phone: 04 903 0205 - ring for an appointment
If you wish to find a private International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in your area who is a member of The New Zealand Lactation Consultants Association (NZLCA), visit the NZLCA website.
Cost: Variable
The Well Child Tamariki Ora program provides free health visits and support for children under five years old.
For more information about the Well Child Tamariki Ora program, please refer to the booklet linked here: Well Child Tamariki Ora Booklet
The specific services available are:
Kāpiti - Hora Te Pai
Contact: 027 434 9206
Porirua - Maraeroa Marae and Health Clinic
Contact: (04) 235 8000
Wellington and Porirua – Ora Toa Health Services
Website: https://www.oratoa.co.nz/
Contact: 0800 862 672
Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti - Vaka Atafaga Pacific Nursing Service
Website: https://www.vakaatafaga.org.nz/
Contact: 04 213 8760 or 021 459 651
Hutt Valley - Te Rūnanga o Te Āti Awa
Website: https://atiawa.com/
Contact: 0800 RAUKURA or 0800 728 5872
Hutt Valley - Pacific Health Service - Thriving Cores
Contact: (04) 577 0394
Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti and Wairarapa - Whānau Āwhina Plunket
Website: https://www.plunket.org.nz/
Contact: 0800 184 803
24/7 Parent helpline: 0800 933 922
Pacific Health Service Thriving Cores offer all core checks as outlined in your Well Childbook, in line with the Ministry of Health Well Child Tamariki Ora framework and schedule.
Pacific Health Service offer:
Free Well Child checks (age 0 - 5)
Appointments in your home or clinic
After hours and weekend appointments available
Social services support available
Toloa mental health support available for fanau with mild to moderate depression
Complimentary talanoa with a nutritionist for ages 2-5 years
Support with accessing a safe sleep bed
Cost: Free
Plunket offers free health and development checks for your tamariki through home, clinic and virtual visits. Well Child Tamariki Ora Services care for you and your pēpi from when pēpi is around 6 weeks old (after you have been discharged from your midwife) to before school. Plunket also offer Services such as
PIN Group (Plunket in the neighbourhood) – Social Connection Groups for new parents and their whanau. Under the current COVID Traffic Light System these are run online and or face to face in different areas. To find out more or to register, click on the link https://bookwhen.com/pin
Ask your midwife about Well Child Tamariki Ora options. They will refer you to the provider of your choice.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.plunket.org.nz
Phone: 04 460 4660
PlunketLine is a free parent helpline and advice service available to all families, whānau and caregivers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When you call PlunketLine your call will be answered by a Plunket nurse, who can give you advice and information on parenting issues and your child’s health and wellbeing. You don't need to be a Plunket client to use PlunketLine.
Phone: 0800 933 922
Parents Centre run a “Baby & You” course. A new baby comes with uncertainties. Your tiny bundle may rule the entire household through their routines, sleep patterns and behaviours. This can be very challenging for a new parent.
Baby and You discussion topics include the realities of the postnatal period, as well as identifying physical, emotional and relationship changes. Babies grow quickly and they go through a variety of stages as you are getting to know them. Baby and You explores the first three months of your baby’s life and give practical information about feeding, sleep, stimulation for babies, age-appropriate toys and the key milestones of your baby’s growth.
Cost: Variable depending on centre
Newborn metabolic screening is a free test that screens for over 20 rare but potentially serious conditions that can make your baby very sick.
The screening test is done when your baby is 48 hours (2 days) old or as soon as possible after this – it can be done in hospital or at home. Your midwife will collect a small amount of blood from your baby’s heel onto a blood spot card.
Finding out early that your baby has a condition means that treatment can start quickly, before your baby becomes sick.
It is your decision to have your baby screened. Around 99% of babies in NZ are screened. The Ministry of Health strongly recommends screening for your baby.
Cost: Free
Newborn hearing screening is a safe and simple check to find out if your baby hears well. The screen is designed to pick up moderate to profound hearing loss. It may not pick up mild hearing loss.
This test is free and is usually done before you and your baby go home from hospital. If your baby is born at home or is not screened before you go home, the newborn hearing screening service will contact you to arrange an appointment.
Ideally, your baby will be screened within the first few days of birth and screening should be completed by the time your baby is 1 month old. However, your baby can be screened up until they are 3 months old.
You do not need a referral to have your baby’s hearing screened. Your baby will be automatically referred when they are born.
Cost: Free
Bellyful deliver frozen, precooked meals to whānau with babies or young children, who need support. Bellyful accepts self-referrals as well as referrals from friends, whānau and health professionals.
Visit: www.bellyful.org.nz
Cost: Free

After Hours Medical Support
Unless it’s an emergency, you should always call your own GP practice when you, or someone in your family is sick or injured. However there are some situations where you may need to visit an after hours medical service instead of your usual GP practice. For instance, if you need medical treatment outside of your GP practice’s opening hours, if you are not able to get an appointment with your usual GP practice and don’t think you can wait, or you have not registered with a GP practice.
729 High Street, Lower Hutt
Phone: (04) 567 5345
Hours: 5.30pm to 11am Monday to Friday, 8am to 11pm Saturday and Sunday
Visit: https://www.ccdhb.org.nz/our-services/after-hours-and-emergency-care/
Location: Kenepuru Hospital, Raiha Street, Porirua
Phone: (04) 918 2300
Cost: Free
Hours: 24/7
Visit: https://www.ccdhb.org.nz/our-services/after-hours-and-emergency-care/
Location: 17 Adelaide Road, Newtown
Phone: 043844994
Hours: 8am to 11pm everyday
Visit: https://www.wamc.co.nz/
Cost: https://www.wamc.co.nz/files/fees/20201001-website-fees-list-1-oct.pdf
Location: Coastlands Mall, State highway 1, Paraparaumu
Phone: 04 297 3000
Hours: 8am to 10pm every day
The WellKiwis Study is leading ground-breaking research on how our first exposure to the flu shapes immunity for life.
This international study, led by Dr. Sue Huang, aims to develop a universal flu vaccine that could prevent pandemics and save lives.
They’re now recruiting pregnant people and babies up to six months from the Hutt and Wellington regions. Participants gain healthcare and other benefits by joining and becoming part of the WellKiwis whānau. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to make a difference!
Learn more: www.wellkiwis.co.nz