Under 25s
Support with Clothes, Bedding, Equipment & Housing
Pregnancy Assistance provides free clothing and bedding packs for mothers and babies and a supportive listening ear, open to all families with children under 1 year.
Cost: Free
Phone us: 04 389 7122
Email: babyassist@vinnies.org.nz
Level 1, 207 Riddiford St, Newtown, Wellington 6021
Hours: Weds - Fri 10am-2pm
Visit: https://www.vinnies-wellington.org.nz/pregnancy-assistance
Pregnancy Help offers a walk in, confidential service to support you during pregnancy. They can support you with referrals to services with practical things like maternity clothes, pēpi clothes and loaning a pēpi bed.
Cost: Free
Phone: 04 232 5740
Email: greatwgtn@pregnancyhelp.org.nz
139b Main Rd, Tawa, Wellington.
Visit: https://www.facebook.com/PregnancyHelpWellington or https://pregnancyhelp.org.nz/wellington/
He Huarahi Tamariki provides a second chance education for students unable to complete their formal education through pregnancy or the birth of a child. Located in Linden, He Huarahi Tamariki is a modern, purpose built complex which includes Kids Count - The Griffin School, a highly successful Early Childhood Centre, catering for the children of He Huarahi Tamariki students. The student support programme includes working with social agencies, transport, visiting doctor and student meals.
Cost: Free
Phone: 04 232 0956
Email: paulah@hht.school.nz
Visit: https://www.hht.school.nz/
Kahungunu Whānau Services are a kaupapa Māori organisation providing housing solutions & social support services across the wider Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington) region. Their mahi is rooted in Whānau Ora and their organisational values; Manaakitanga, Kotahitanga, Rangatiratanga, Whanaungatanga. The team which includes social workers, counsellors, community support workers and youth workers, mentor, strengthen whānau and advocate on behalf of whānau with other providers.
Cost: Free
Phone: 0800 ĀWHINA
Email: web-inquiry@nkkp.org.nz
Antenatal Education
Our antenatal courses are specific to our young parent(s) to be, 24 years and under, to give them knowledge and confidence going into labour, birth and early postpartum and the information needed to make the best-informed decisions for themselves, baby and whānau.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.vibe.org.nz/
Contact details:
Anna - (027) 280 1936
Antonia - (027) 371 1185
Kāpiti Youth Support provides supportive and tailored antenatal education for young parents under 25, from our specialist parenting support worker. This includes support groups as well as one on one birth education, for hapū youth as well as their wider whānau.
Cost: Free
Visit: http://kys.org.nz/
Phone: 04 9059597
Parenting Support
Evolve parents group is a social group that runs weekly. The group is open to any parents, partners or parents to be under the age of 25 and their pēpi. The group is located at Evolve Youth Service on Cuba St or other tamariki friendly places around Wellington.
Cost: Free
Kāpiti Youth Service (KYS) offers parent coaching, a triple P parenting programme (Positive Parenting Programme) and a young parent group for parents under 24 years.
Cost: Free
Visit: http://kys.org.nz/
Piki is available to Rangatahi aged 18-25 living in the Greater Pōneke region. Piki have therapists and support options located across Kapiti, Wairarapa, Hutt Valley, Porirua and Pōneke.
Piki offers free access to:
Multiple sessions with a trained Mental Health Therapist, at a place and time that works for you
Links to 24/7 support through phone and web services
Peer support options
Cost: Free
Visit: https://piki.org.nz/
Primary Healthcare and Social Support
KYS is one of the largest NGO’s and providers of community services in Kāpiti and operates over five sites, which includes three school-based services. KYS has over 5700 rangatahi accessing their services – this represents approximately 68% of the youth population in Kāpiti.
Services and programmes offered include
Primary healthcare (doctor and nurse appointments)
Alcohol and drug services
Social work
Mentoring, parenting, peer support
Fnancial capability (budgeting)
LGBTQIA+, Youth Services that support rangatahi Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)
Transition Services and various youth development programmes within schools and the wider community
Cost: Free
Vibe provides a range of free and confidential primary health and social support services in Te Awakairangi. Vibe run two clinics in Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt as well as some school based services.
Services include:
Sexual health services
Mental health support
Parenting programmes for expectant parents under 25
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.vibe.org.nz/
The 502 Rangatahi Ora delivers free Primary Healthcare and Social Services to Porirua youth aged 10-24. The 502 is a collaborative initiative between Te Runanga o Toa Rangatira and Partners Porirua.
Services offered include:
Primary healthcare (doctor and nurse appointments)
Sexual Health
Counselling· Social Services and support· Group workshops and programmes
Cost: Free
Evolve is a youth one stop shop delivering integrated primary health care and social support services to young people age 10-24 years old in the Wellington region.
Services offered include:
Primary healthcare (doctor and nurse appointments)
Under 18 sexual Health
Social support
Groups and programmes
Counselling and support
Cost: Free
Finding out you’re pregnant is a life-changing moment. It can be exciting but also scary if you’re unprepared or lacking support. If you’re pregnant, aged between 12 and 23 and are seeking help, The House of Grace invite you to get in touch with us.
Cost: Free
Email: info@thehouseofgrace.org.nz
Phone: 0800-920-5667
Visit: https://www.thehouseofgrace.org.nz/