Moe Ora Mo Ngā Pepi Programme - Safe Sleep


Safe sleep - Moe Ora Mo Ngā Pepi Programme:

Kōkiri Marae Health and Social Services

We provide Wahakura & Pepi-pod safe sleep devices (Beds) including a mattress & bedding pack as well as provide safe sleep education to our māmā & their whānau.

Our programmes are Whānau Ora driven and we work alongside many community organizations that are available within the region to support and manaaki our hapu mama & their whānau in their journey through pregnancy and parenthood.

Referral Criteria:

  • We prioritise support to Māori & Pacific māmā who are pregnant or have had a pepi, spanning across the Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt region.

  • We prioritise pepi who are most at risk of SUDI who meet two of the following criteria:

    1. A smoke exposed pepi

    2. Māori or Pasifika

    3. Safety Concerns such as: Low birth weight, Co-Sleeping and/or Premature birth.

Cost: Free

Phone Marice Martin for more information:

022 077 4430 or 0800 926 257 (via Pātaka Kai Line)

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Safe sleep - Moe Ora Mo Ngā Pepi Programme:

Kōkiri Marae Health and Social Services

We provide Wahakura & Pepi-pod safe sleep devices (Beds) including a mattress & bedding pack as well as provide safe sleep education to our māmā & their whānau.

Our programmes are Whānau Ora driven and we work alongside many community organizations that are available within the region to support and manaaki our hapu mama & their whānau in their journey through pregnancy and parenthood.

Referral Criteria:

  • We prioritise support to Māori & Pacific māmā who are pregnant or have had a pepi, spanning across the Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt region.

  • We prioritise pepi who are most at risk of SUDI who meet two of the following criteria:

    1. A smoke exposed pepi

    2. Māori or Pasifika

    3. Safety Concerns such as: Low birth weight, Co-Sleeping and/or Premature birth.

Cost: Free

Phone Marice Martin for more information:

022 077 4430 or 0800 926 257 (via Pātaka Kai Line)