Ora Toa Mothers Group
Ora Toa host a coffee morning every other Thursday from 10am - 12pm so you can connect with other local māmā in your community. There is usually a guest speaker who can offer information, and a warm, friendly environment with coffee and snacks. Bring your pēpi & tamariki under 5 along.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.facebook.com/Ora-Toa-PHO-183054478371616/
Ora Toa host a coffee morning every other Thursday from 10am - 12pm so you can connect with other local māmā in your community. There is usually a guest speaker who can offer information, and a warm, friendly environment with coffee and snacks. Bring your pēpi & tamariki under 5 along.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.facebook.com/Ora-Toa-PHO-183054478371616/