Hutt Valley
Taha Wairua
Spiritual Wellbeing
Taha Tinana
Physical Wellbeing
Taha Hinengaro
Mental & Emotional Wellbeing
Taha Whānau
Family & Social Wellbeing

Taha Wairua
Preparing for baby
EMPWR childbirth antenatal classes are designed for those identifying as part of the LGBTQIA+ Takatāpui community. The classes designed by queer midwives are grounded in a celebration of queer whānau and equity for pregnant queer whānau.
Find out more and register for antenatal classes on: https://www.empwr.nz/
At Parents Centre Aotearoa, we provide evidence-based, researched information to parents in a fun, interactive and informative manner, to support the parenting journey of challenges and joys. We also set up coffee support groups and provide ongoing education. Our educators are qualified and hold an annual practicing certificate.
Website: www.parentscentre.org.nz
Contact: admin@parentscentre.org.nz
This service offers informative sessions held on Mondays and Thursdays from 10 to 11:30 am, covering essential topics related to pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenthood.
The sessions address subjects such as breastfeeding, labor and birthing, safe sleep and bathing baby demonstrations, nutrition and physical activity during pregnancy and breastfeeding, early child bonding, development, parenting, and immunization.
All sessions throughout the entire year share the same Zoom link, making it convenient for participants to join. The provided links below serves as the universal access point for the informative sessions.
Meeting URL: https://cmhealth.zoom.us/j/98707488114
Meeting ID: 987 0748 8114
Zoom (Webinar) Antenatal Classes
Zoom (Webinar) Breastfeeding Classes
Zoom (Telehealth) Lactation Consultancy Service
All you need is good internet and a device with a camera and microphone for education all in the comfort of your own home. Ideal for rural and busy urban families.
Weekday antenatal classes - $90.00, and weekends $110
Weekday breastfeeding classes - $25.00, and weekends $30
Lactation consultancy, initial appointment 50 minutes - $125.00, and follow-up appointment 30 minutes, $65.00
Check out our website: www.thriveunder3.co.nz
Contact details: info@thriveunder3.co.nz
Our antenatal courses are specific to our young parent(s) to be, 24 years and under, to give them knowledge and confidence going into labour, birth and early postpartum and the information needed to make the best-informed decisions for themselves, baby and whānau.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.vibe.org.nz/
Contact details:
Anna - (027) 280 1936
Antonia - (027) 371 1185
The Wellington Curtain Bank provides properly fitted, lined, preloved curtains and tracks (where needed) to families across the Greater Wellington Region. The Wellington Curtain Bank only uses good quality donated curtains. If your house gets cold and damp and is poorly insulated, the Wellington Curtain Bank are happy to provide curtains for the main living area and for bedrooms where pēpi sleep.
Cost: Free
As well as offering childbirth and parenting classes, Wellington Antenatal offer free breastfeeding classes monthly, as well as weekly breastfeeding drop-in sessions in Johnsonville at the Collective Community Hub, 33 Johnsonville Road on Thursdays, 10-11.30am (during school terms).
Cost: Free
Under the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumer Rights, healthcare services may be provided to you only if you make an informed choice and give informed consent to it. Informed consent is the process of talking about options with your healthcare provider so you can make an informed decision about your health care. This includes the option of saying no to a treatment or procedure. When you use a health or disability service in New Zealand, you have the protection of a Code of Rights.
Some people may find the B.R.A.I.N acronym a useful tool when making informed decisions about their healthcare options. For example:
B- Benefits. What are the benefits of this particular test/treatment/intervention?
R – Risks. What are the risks if I do the test and what are the risks if I don’t do the test/treatment/intervention?
A – Alternatives. What are the other options?
I – Intuition. What does my gut tell me?
N – Nothing. What would happen if I did nothing?
Ensuring you understand your options will give you a solid foundation to make the choice of informed consent or refusal.
Good oral health is important if you’re planning to conceive or if you are pregnant. Poor oral health can lead to complications such as miscarriage and preterm labour.
Hormone changes in pregnancy can make you more susceptible to dental and gum disease. It’s important to brush twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste, floss once daily and continue with regular dental appointments.
Parents Centre childbirth education (antenatal) classes encourage pregnant women to make informed choices about their labour and birth, and to gain information. Parents Centre help classes to form groups to support each other in the new world of being parents.
Parents Centre previously operated across the Greater Wellington region and nationally. Some Parents Centre’s are independently run, so are still operating and offering classes. Details about classes that are available are below:
Lower Hutt Parents Centre: Email antenatal.lhpc@gmail.com to book into a class or book via Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/o/lower-hutt-parents-centre-19987785908
Porirua: Email Hannah Walker – walkerhannah@gmail.com & Pauline Quinn -paulineq63@gmail.com
Johnsonville & Upper Hutt: Rachel Dufield’s website: allyouneedislove.co.nz/antenatal or email: allyouneednz@gmail.com
Newtown: Email enquiries@birthwise.org.nz
Island Bay: Email Liora Noy – lioranoy3@gmail.com (online & in-person)
Cost: Variable depending on location. Some classes are free.
Greenstone Doors is a charitable trust which functions as a pregnancy focused centre where women and whānau are able to receive accurate and professional information and care.
Greenstone Doors provide a free baby clothing service to families in need in the Hutt Valley Area. This service is available for babies up to the age of one year.
Cost: Free
Finding a lead maternity carer (LMC) is an important first step during early pregnancy. Most hapū people choose to have a midwife. Midwifery care is free and your midwife can refer you to an obstetrician if necessary. Alternatively, some hapū people opt to pay for an obstetrician as their LMC.
If you're having trouble finding a midwife in Wellington, Porirua, or Kāpiti call the 'Find a Midwife' service at 0800 346 369 or you can visit www.findamidwife.org.nz, which links to www.ccdhb.org.nz/our-services/a-to-z-of-our-services/maternity/ for more information.
If you are having difficulty finding a midwife in the Hutt Valley, contact Maternity Enquiries on 0800 488 628 (0800HUTMAT) or visit: http://www.huttmaternity.org.nz/i-need-a-midwife/i-need-a-midwife/
The hospital community midwifery teams may be able to assist you in finding an LMC midwife. If you are unable to find an LMC midwife, the community midwifery teams can care for you during your pregnancy.
SmartStart has information about trying to become pregnant, pregnancy and the stages of your baby’s life up until they are 6 years old. It includes information about their behaviour and development, as well as other tips and ideas related to health, parenting and education.
After you’ve had your pēpi, you are legally required to register the birth. It’s free, but there is a charge if you want to order a birth certificate.
You can also register for Best Start payments, using the same application form as the birth registration. Best Start is a government payment of $65 per week, for each child born on or after 1st July 2018. If you’re a New Zealand resident, you can get Best Start payments until your pēpi turns one, no matter what you/your whare earns. Best Start payments won’t usually start until Paid Parental Leave finishes. Receiving Best Start payments won’t affect any other payments or benefits you get. Once your pēpi turns one, Best Start payments become income tested.
SmartStart also has information about financial help you may be eligible for, as well as parenting information and tips.
Folic acid helps the body to make new cells. Folic acid is important because it can help to prevent birth defects of a baby’s brain and spine, such as spina bifida. Take a folic acid tablet every day for 4 weeks (1 month) before you might become pregnant through to 12 weeks after becoming pregnant. It is less expensive to have this prescribed.
Iodine helps the body to grow and develop, especially the brain. Because babies get iodine from their mothers, pregnant and breastfeeding women need more iodine. As well as choosing foods high in iodine, take one iodine-only tablet every day when pregnant and breastfeeding. It is less expensive to have this prescribed.
Vitamin D is needed for strong bones and joints as well as healthy muscle and nerve activity. If you don’t have enough vitamin D during pregnancy, your baby may be born with low vitamin D levels. If you have darker skin, spend most of your time inside, have liver or kidney disease or are taking certain medicines, you are at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency. If you are worried that you don’t get enough vitamin D, or you have a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency, talk to your midwife, GP or nurse practitioner.
The Nest Collective is a registered charity that works alongside midwives, social workers and other community partners to provide free packs of baby and children’s essentials for whānau in need.
The Nest Collective give packs of new, pre-loved, handcrafted and repurposed essentials including clothing, toys, nappies, bedding, books and more. Items are sourced through donations (both physical and financial) and provided to families via social workers, kaiāwhina, midwives, nurses and other local community partners.
If you need support with clothing and equipment, speak to your midwife or Well Child Tamariki Ora nurse about a referral to The Nest Collective.
Cost: Free
Finding out you’re pregnant is a life-changing moment. It can be exciting but also scary if you’re unprepared or lacking support. If you’re pregnant, aged under 23 and are seeking help, The House of Grace invite you to get in touch with us.
Cost: Board payments include food, power, and internet
Email: info@thehouseofgrace.org.nz
Phone: 0800-920-5667
He Huarahi Tamariki provides a second chance education for students unable to complete their formal education through pregnancy or the birth of a child. Located in Linden, He Huarahi Tamariki is a modern, purpose built complex which includes Kids Count - The Griffin School, a highly successful Early Childhood Centre, catering for the children of He Huarahi Tamariki students. The student support programme includes working with social agencies, transport, visiting doctor and student meals.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.hht.school.nz/
Phone: 04 232 0956
Well Homes offer a range of healthy housing services to help households live in warm, dry and safe homes. Depending on your living situation, they can check your house for free, offer energy advice and discuss health and social support
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.rph.org.nz/public-health-topics/housing-well-homes/
Te Awhi O Te Rito is held on Te Kakano O Te Aroha Marae, Moera, making muka ties, ipu whenua and pēpi koha packs. Te Awhi O Te Rito also offers post hapū wānanga wrap-around services.
Cost: Free
Anofale is a series of 11 group sessions held on Wednesday mornings during term time 11.30am-12.30pm at the Pasifika Hub, 2 Dudley St, Hutt City. The Anofale groups support learning and conversations in a Pacific context about the journey through Antenatal, Labour and Postnatal periods. Anofale is free to attend and designed specifically for the needs of Pasifika mama and families.
Cost: Free
Taeaomanino Trust provide holistic and culturally responsive antenatal education. Learn together with extended family (if you choose) about welcoming baby, and what to expect during pregnancy, labour and beyond.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.taeaomanino.org.nz
Phone: 0800 345 345
Wellington Antenatal Classes are for a pregnant person and one support person (partner, family or friend). They are relaxed, informal and jam packed with ideas, tips, and much needed information.
Classes are offered via zoom, as well as in Newtown, Porirua and Kāpiti.
Cost: Free
Calmbirth does not advocate for one way to give birth; it’s about helping couples create a positive birth experience, no matter how that birth unfolds. The program is designed to teach mothers to use their inner resources to work with birth and to help them understand the process of birth so they can help the baby into the world, instead of resisting the labour journey.
Cost: $425
Visit: https://calmbirth.nz/
Mama Aroha – This is a smartphone app that you can download to help learn the key principles of breastfeeding.
Search for “Mama Aroha” in both the Apple and Google Play app stores.
Ministry of Health - https://www.health.govt.nz/your-health/pregnancy-and-kids/first-year/helpful-advice-during-first-year/breastfeeding-perfect-you-and-your-baby
Plunket - https://www.plunket.org.nz/caring-for-your-child/feeding/breastfeeding/
Health Navigator - https://www.healthnavigator.org.nz/healthy-living/b/breastfeeding-basics/
Kellymom - https://kellymom.com/category/bf/
Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa (PADA) - https://pada.nz/breastfeeding/
Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) is when a pēpi dies in an unexpected and initially unexplained way. Most SUDI occurs when pēpi are sleeping in an unsafe environment. SUDI is a leading cause of preventable death for pēpi in Aotearoa. Thinking about SUDI can be very frightening for new parents, but there are many ways in which you can protect your pēpi and greatly reduce the risk of SUDI.
Safe sleep for P.E.P.E
Place baby on his or her own baby bed, face clear of bedding and in the same room as the caregiver.
Eliminate smoking in pregnancy and protect baby with a smoke free whānau, whare and waka.
Position baby flat on his or her back to sleep, face up.
Encourage and support breastfeeding and gentle handing of baby
Ask your LMC or Tamariki Ora Well Child nurse about a safe sleep bed (wahakura or Pēpi-Pod) for your pēpi.
Crying is one of the only forms of communication your pēpi has. Sometimes pēpi cry because something is wrong and sometimes pēpi cry because they want your attention and love. Often you won’t be able to find a reason why your pēpi is crying. This can be stressful, particularly if your pēpi is crying for a long period of time. Shaken baby syndrome usually happens when a parent or cargiver shakes pēpi because they are frustrated with them.
Shaking a pēpi can lead to permanent brain damage, paralysis, blindness, deafness, seizuers, broken bones, developmental delays and death.
You have the power to protect. Have a plan in place for when pēpi won’t stop crying. If you’re feeling frustrated, put pēpi in a safe space and take a break. Come back when you are ready to comfort your pēpi.
If you are worried your pēpi is unwell, contact your midwife, GP or Tamariki Ora Well Child provider.
Never leave your pēpi alone with someone you think might lose control. If you think you might lose control, don’t pick up your pēpi. Talk to a trusted relative or friend and don’t be embarrassed. It’s healthy to know when you’ve reached your limit.
Keeping pēpi safe in the car is one of the most important ways you can protect them. A child restraint technician can help you check that your car seat is safe for pēpi and properly installed. Talk to your midwife or health provider about car seat options if need any support finding one.
Visit: https://www.kidshealth.org.nz/child-car-seats to find a car seat technician near you.
For many whānau, birthing at home is the right choice. For those with a midwife LMC and without a need for specialist input, birthing at home is a safe and supportive option. Talk to your midwife, or look for a midwife that can support you with birthing at home.
If you need extra specialist support with your birth or pregnancy, your LMC will support you to access the right care for you.
Families living in the Hutt Valley who do not birth at home, may choose to birth at Hutt Hospital. Lead maternity carers use the facility for hospital births. Hutt Hospital maternity team is made up of obstetricians, doctors, midwives and nurses. Hutt Hospital has a birthing suite, maternity ward, maternity assessment unit and a special care baby unit.

Taha Tinana
Caring for Myself, Caring for Baby
The WellKiwis Study is leading ground-breaking research on how our first exposure to the flu shapes immunity for life.
This international study, led by Dr. Sue Huang, aims to develop a universal flu vaccine that could prevent pandemics and save lives.
They’re now recruiting pregnant people and babies up to six months from the Hutt and Wellington regions. Participants gain healthcare and other benefits by joining and becoming part of the WellKiwis whānau. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to make a difference!
Learn more: www.wellkiwis.co.nz
Safe sleep - Moe Ora Mo Ngā Pepi Programme:
Kōkiri Marae Health and Social Services
We provide Wahakura & Pepi-pod safe sleep devices (Beds) including a mattress & bedding pack as well as provide safe sleep education to our māmā & their whānau.
Our programmes are Whānau Ora driven and we work alongside many community organizations that are available within the region to support and manaaki our hapu mama & their whānau in their journey through pregnancy and parenthood.
Referral Criteria:
We prioritise support to Māori & Pacific māmā who are pregnant or have had a pepi, spanning across the Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt region.
We prioritise pepi who are most at risk of SUDI who meet two of the following criteria:
1. A smoke exposed pepi
2. Māori or Pasifika
3. Safety Concerns such as: Low birth weight, Co-Sleeping and/or Premature birth.
Cost: Free
Phone Marice Martin for more information:
022 077 4430 or 0800 926 257 (via Pātaka Kai Line)
31 Wise Street, Wainuiomata
Monday - Friday, 9.00am – 2.00pm
0800 926 257
Email address: patakakai@kokiri-hauora.org.nz
Contact: https://www.patakai.co.nz/contact-us.html
Website: Contact: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066160106080
Generic Hutt Council Foodbank: https://www.huttcity.govt.nz/people-and-communities/community-support/food-banks
A partnership between the local community, Regional Public Health and Wesley Community Action gets you a pack of local, fresh, seasonal produce every week at a low price, which is ideal for households operating on a budget.
The Co-op has 40 pick-up locations across the region. Hauora Kai (healthy food) is Good for growers. Good for community. Good for you.
Visit: www.hauorakai.nz
Zoom (Webinar) Breastfeeding Classes
Zoom (Telehealth) Lactation Consultancy Service
All you need is good internet and a device with a camera and microphone for education all in the comfort of your own home. Ideal for rural and busy urban families.
Weekday breastfeeding classes - $25.00, and weekends $30
Lactation consultancy, initial appointment 50 minutes - $125.00, and follow-up appointment 30 minutes, $65.00
Check out our website: www.thriveunder3.co.nz
Contact details: info@thriveunder3.co.nz
If you wish to find a private International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in your area who is a member of The New Zealand Lactation Consultants Association (NZLCA), visit the NZLCA website.
Cost: Variable
The Milk Café takes place every Tuesday (during school term) 12-2pm at Te Awakairangi Birth Centre. Free 60 minute parking on site.
An experienced IBCLC hosts a drop in centre for māmā who are wanting support with breastfeeding, pēpi sleeping and more. The centre also offers the opportunity for you to meet other māmā and build connections.
Cost: Free
Location: Upstairs, 2 Connolly Street, Lower Hutt.
Whāngai Pēpē provides free breastfeeding support for Māori and Pacific whānau in Te Awa Kairangi and whānau who are enrolled in other Rūnanga Services (inc Tamariki Ora, Waiwhetu Medical Centre, Waiwhetu Hapū Ora Clinic).
The Whāngai Pēpē kaimahi are available Monday – Thursday with a drop in clinic at Te Atiawa Ora in Wainuiomata.
The friendly team of breastfeeding kaimahi offer:
Clinic appointments
Online or phone consultations
Home visit
Drop-in clinic (during term time Wednesdays 10.30am -12.30pm at the Te Āti Awa Ora Wainuiomata – 17 Fraser Street Wainuiuomata (entrance and parking Via Simmonds cres)
Breast Pump usage
Breastfeeding support from antenatal
Whāngai Pēpē sits under the korowai of Te Rūnaganui o Te Āti Awa.
Please contact the team to support you on your breastfeeding journey.
Location: 148 Whites Line East, Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt & 17 Fraser Street Wainuiomata
Cost: Free
Email: whangaipepe@atiawa.com
Pacific Health Service Thriving Cores offer all core checks as outlined in your Well Childbook, in line with the Ministry of Health Well Child Tamariki Ora framework and schedule.
Pacific Health Service offer:
Free Well Child checks (age 0 - 5)
Appointments in your home or clinic
After hours and weekend appointments available
Social services support available
Toloa mental health support available for fanau with mild to moderate depression
Complimentary talanoa with a nutritionist for ages 2-5 years
Support with accessing a safe sleep bed
Cost: Free
Parents Centre run a “Baby & You” course. A new baby comes with uncertainties. Your tiny bundle may rule the entire household through their routines, sleep patterns and behaviours. This can be very challenging for a new parent.
Baby and You discussion topics include the realities of the postnatal period, as well as identifying physical, emotional and relationship changes. Babies grow quickly and they go through a variety of stages as you are getting to know them. Baby and You explores the first three months of your baby’s life and give practical information about feeding, sleep, stimulation for babies, age-appropriate toys and the key milestones of your baby’s growth.
Cost: Variable depending on centre
During pregnancy, it is important you are protected against infections and illnesses that can be harmful to you and your baby. The best way to be sure of this protection is to get the recommended vaccinations at the appropriate time.
Pregnant women are recommended to get the flu vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine at any stage of pregnancy, and whooping cough vaccine from 16 weeks of pregnancy. They can be given at the same time or separately.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.health.govt.nz/your-health/healthy-living/immunisation/immunisation-pregnant-women
Pēpi are born with some immunity to certain infections because antibodies are passed on to them through the placenta before birth. However pēpi and tamariki need immunisations to provide ongoing protection from many life-threatening diseases. The World Health Organisation and the Ministry of Health recommend immunising your pēpi/tamariki. Speak to you midwife, doctor or nurse if you have questions.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.healthed.govt.nz/resource/childhood-immunisation
During pregnancy, you will be offered screening tests by your midwife or doctor to check that you and your pēpi are healthy.
Screening tests and checks you may be offered include:
·First antenatal bloods
Blood pressure monitoring
Antenatal screening for Down syndrome and other trisomy conditions
STI testing
Urine screening
Abdominal palpation (checking the growth of pēpi)
Ultrasound scans
Diabetes screening
Family violence risk assessment
Visit: https://www.healthnavigator.org.nz/health-a-z/p/pregnancy-screening-tests-and-checks/#blood
Cervical cancer is one of the easiest cancers to prevent – as long as we detect the cell changes that cause it, early. All women between 25 and 69 who have ever been sexually active should have regular three-yearly smear tests.
It's completely up to you who takes your screen. You can choose to go to your regular doctor or choose to go to:
any doctor or practice nurse
Family Planning
your sexual health service
marae-based or other Māori health centres
community health services, eg, Pacific or women’s health centre
You can request a female screen taker from most services. Whoever you choose, all screen takers are specially trained to make sure the test is comfortable, and meets your rights as a patient.
Cervical smears can be taken in pregnancy but if you are planning a pregnancy it is recommended that you make sure your smears are up to date or arrange to have one earlier than usual so any possible abnormal smear can be investigated before you are pregnant.
Cost: Variable depending on location. Speak to your GP to see if you are eligible for a free cervical smear.
Green Prescription is a FREE service providing physical activity and nutrition support. The programme is tailored to adults and whānau, including tamariki, rangatahi, hapū māmā.
Green Prescription is available in Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa.
You will receive:
• Tailored health and wellbeing support
• Home visits and group-based consultations
• Regular one-on-one check-ins
To apply, click on the link below or ask your midwife or any Healthcare professional, to make a referral. Medical centres are welcome to refer from Patient Management software including HealthLink e-referral or bestpractice e-referral. Any questions please email grx@nukuora.org.nz
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.nukuora.org.nz/active-health-and-wellness/green-prescription-self-referral-application/
Bellyful deliver frozen, precooked meals to whānau with babies or young children, who need support. Bellyful accepts self-referrals as well as referrals from friends, whānau and health professionals.
Visit: www.bellyful.org.nz
Cost: Free
It is important to enrol your pēpi with a GP. This will make it easier for you to get an appointment when your pēpi needs to see a doctor. After your pēpi is born, let your GP practice know and discuss booking a 6 week check and immunisations.
Cost: Free until your tamariki is 14 years old
The Well Child Tamariki Ora program provides free health visits and support for children under five years old.
For more information about the Well Child Tamariki Ora program, please refer to the booklet linked here: Well Child Tamariki Ora Booklet
The specific services available are:
Kāpiti - Hora Te Pai
Contact: 027 434 9206
Porirua - Maraeroa Marae and Health Clinic
Contact: (04) 235 8000
Wellington and Porirua – Ora Toa Health Services
Website: https://www.oratoa.co.nz/
Contact: 0800 862 672
Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti - Vaka Atafaga Pacific Nursing Service
Website: https://www.vakaatafaga.org.nz/
Contact: 04 213 8760 or 021 459 651
Hutt Valley - Te Rūnanga o Te Āti Awa
Website: https://atiawa.com/
Contact: 0800 RAUKURA or 0800 728 5872
Hutt Valley - Pacific Health Service - Thriving Cores
Website: https://www.pacifichealthhutt.co.nz/
Contact: (04) 577 0394
Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti and Wairarapa - Whānau Āwhina Plunket
Website: https://www.plunket.org.nz/
Contact: 0800 184 803
24/7 Parent helpline: 0800 933 922
Plunket offers free health and development checks for your tamariki through home, clinic and virtual visits. Well Child Tamariki Ora Services care for you and your pēpi from when pēpi is around 6 weeks old (after you have been discharged from your midwife) to before school. Plunket also offer Services such as
PIN Group (Plunket in the neighbourhood) – Social Connection Groups for new parents and their whanau. Under the current COVID Traffic Light System these are run online and or face to face in different areas. To find out more or to register, click on the link https://bookwhen.com/pin
Ask your midwife about Well Child Tamariki Ora options. They will refer you to the provider of your choice.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.plunket.org.nz
Phone: 04 460 4660
Newborn metabolic screening is a free test that screens for over 20 rare but potentially serious conditions that can make your baby very sick.
The screening test is done when your baby is 48 hours (2 days) old or as soon as possible after this – it can be done in hospital or at home. Your midwife will collect a small amount of blood from your baby’s heel onto a blood spot card.
Finding out early that your baby has a condition means that treatment can start quickly, before your baby becomes sick.
It is your decision to have your baby screened. Around 99% of babies in NZ are screened. The Ministry of Health strongly recommends screening for your baby.
Cost: Free
Newborn hearing screening is a safe and simple check to find out if your baby hears well. The screen is designed to pick up moderate to profound hearing loss. It may not pick up mild hearing loss.
This test is free and is usually done before you and your baby go home from hospital. If your baby is born at home or is not screened before you go home, the newborn hearing screening service will contact you to arrange an appointment.
Ideally, your baby will be screened within the first few days of birth and screening should be completed by the time your baby is 1 month old. However, your baby can be screened up until they are 3 months old.
You do not need a referral to have your baby’s hearing screened. Your baby will be automatically referred when they are born.
Cost: Free
PlunketLine is a free parent helpline and advice service available to all families, whānau and caregivers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When you call PlunketLine your call will be answered by a Plunket nurse, who can give you advice and information on parenting issues and your child’s health and wellbeing. You don't need to be a Plunket client to use PlunketLine.
Phone: 0800 933 922
Plunket Line provide a lactation consultant video calling service. Your pēpi does not have to be enrolled with Plunket as their Tamariki Ora provider. Call the free 24/7 number and one of the nurses will do an assessment and book you an appointment with one of Plunket’s International Board Certified Lactation Consultants.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.plunket.org.nz/caring-for-your-child/feeding/breastfeeding/vcbreastfeeding/
Phone: 0800 933 922
La Leche League provide support and information about breastfeeding, as well as monthly meetings in your area.
Cost: Free
This is a smartphone app that you can download to help learn the key principles of breastfeeding.
Search for “Mama Aroha” in both the Apple and Google Play app stores.
729 High Street, Lower Hutt
Phone: (04) 567 5345
Hours: 5.30pm to 11am Monday to Friday, 8am to 11pm Saturday and Sunday
Visit: https://www.ccdhb.org.nz/our-services/after-hours-and-emergency-care/

Taha Hinengaro
Looking after my mental and emotional wellbeing
Greenstone Doors is a charitable trust which functions as a pregnancy focused centre where women and whānau are able to receive accurate and professional information and care.
Greenstone Doors provide counselling after pregnancy loss, miscarriage, stillbirth and abortion.
Greenstone Doors is a charitable trust which functions as a pregnancy focused centre where women and whānau are able to receive accurate and professional information and care.
Greenstone Doors provide education, counselling, resources and support for women and their families during and after pregnancy through an independent network of counselling and support professionals.
Greenstone Doors also provide a free baby clothing service, playgroups for whānau and men’s programmes.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.greenstonedoors.co.nz/
Takari Mai te Ata welcome you no matter who you are, and where you are from. They understand that quitting is hard. The regional stop smoking service is designed to meet your needs, and give you the best chance of quitting and staying smoke-free.
Benefits include:
Intensive one on one support with a qualified ‘quit coach’
Home visits, workplace supports and community clinics
Free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
A complementary approach to Quitline services that offers 24/7 support
A programme especially designed for hapū māmā and their whānau
Talk to your GP, Midwife or Tamariki Ora Well Child provider about connecting in with Takari Mai te Ata.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.takirimai.org.nz/index.php?page=service&t=2302
Phone: 0800 926 257
Quitine offer 24/7 online, phone and text support to quit smoking. Quitline have interpreter services for 44 languages. As well as Quitline's phone, text and online support, there are many face-to-face organisations you can meet who can help you quit smoking.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://quit.org.nz/
Phone: 0800 778 778
Text: 4006
Parenting is one of the most challenging and important jobs anyone can do, yet honest conversations about the many challenges and stresses parents face can be rare - especially when a parent is struggling. He Waka Eka Noa (we’re all in this together) has been created to improve the wellbeing and resilience of parents by creating a strong peer support network that fosters long lasting community connections and friendships.
Together in groups, you will explore parenting experiences, strengths, values and challenges to collectively develop strategies to enhance wellbeing. This 5 week programme is run in Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti and Hutt Valley.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.littleshadow.org.nz/he-waka-eke-noa-events
Taeaomanino Trust support Pacific families and individuals residing in Wellington, Hutt Valley, Porirua and Kāpiti to develop skills to cope with different life situations, to reflect and promote self-healing.
Therapeutic interventions will be discussed with you and your whānau, aiga potopoto or support people, and together you will all decide the best way forward. These options may include:
Wraparound services
Consultation with external agencies
Individual counselling
Family/relationship counselling
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.taeaomanino.org.nz/services/family-individual-counselling/
Kahungunu Whānau Services are a kaupapa Māori organisation providing housing solutions & social support services across the wider Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington) region. Their mahi is rooted in Whānau Ora and their organisational values; Manaakitanga, Kotahitanga, Rangatiratanga, Whanaungatanga. The team which includes social workers, counsellors, community support workers and youth workers, mentor, strengthen whānau and advocate on behalf of whānau with other providers.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.nkkp.org.nz/
Phone: 0800 ĀWHINA
Piki is available to Rangatahi aged 18-25 living in the Greater Wellington region. Piki have therapists and support options located across Kapiti, Wairarapa, Hutt Valley, Porirua and Wellington.
Piki offers free access to:
Multiple sessions with a trained Mental Health Therapist, at a place and time that works for you
Links to 24/7 support through phone and web services
Peer support options
Cost: Free
Visit: https://piki.org.nz/
Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa (PADA) are a national charity championing awareness and facilitating best practice in perinatal mental health and wellbeing to ensure all families have access to appropriate information and support. As well as useful factsheets about antenatal depression, postnatal depression, baby loss and more, PADA also have a list of support services you can find in your region.
Visit: https://pada.nz/fact-sheets-research/
If you’re struggling with past or present sexual trauma, Sexual Abuse Help offers a crisis support line, social work and counselling services. Contact them to find out what might be the best fit for you, or call them if you need to speak to someone immediately about what you’re going through.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.wellingtonhelp.org.nz/
Crisis 24/7 support line: 04 801 6655 & push 0 at the menu
Non urgent phone: 04 801 6655 & press 1 at the menu
Little Shadow offers counselling and support for parents experiencing perinatal distress, depression, grief, loss and anxiety. Little Shadow believes the road to recovery, resilience and wellness all begins with a little help. Little Shadow supports parents giving birth as well as partners, and provides individual and couples counselling.
Cost: $55 - $90 or subsidised if eligible for an MSD subsidy
Asian Helpline provides nationwide free and confidential services from Monday – Friday between 9am – 8pm. The helpline is available in ten languages including Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Hindi and English. Asian Helping helps Asian people in Aotearoa to access appropriate counselling support.
Asian Wellbeing Services (AWS) provides professional and confidential psychological interventions and tailor-made education and workshops. AWS are a team of registered professionals offering a wide range of counselling and psychological services. The AWS team includes counsellors, art therapists, psychologists, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists and addiction therapists. AWS provides a culturally appropriate, multi-lingual service.
Cost: Fees vary depending on type of service provided ($120 – 210+GST)
Visit: https://www.asianfamilyservices.nz/services/asian-wellbeing-services/
Te Haika is a mental health and addiction contact centre for people in crisis or experiencing severe mental health or addiction problems. It’s staffed 24/7 by mental health and addiction professionals. If you are in crisis, but your immediate safety is not in danger, you can call Te Haika. If you are in immediate danger, call 111. If your query is urgent, and you have been waiting on the phone for longer than 15 minutes, please email TeHaika@mhaids.health.nz. A clinician will call you back within 10 minutes. Please provide a direct dial number.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.mhaids.health.nz/our-services/do-you-or-does-someone-you-know-need-help-now/
Phone: 0800 745 477
The Maternal Mental Health Service is for māmā who are hapū or have a pēpi under 1 year old (at the time of referral) who are experiencing severe mental health issues. Self-referrals are not accepted and must be received by your GP, midwife or another health professional.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.mhaids.health.nz/our-services/specialist-maternal-mental-health-service/
Mothers Network provide safe, facilitated group sessions and events that offer a non-judgemental space for you to share the realities of motherhood with other māmā. Mothers Network focus on your needs first, helping guide you through the challenges and changes of motherhood.
Cost: Mothers Network operates on a pay it forward model. That means your spot was funded by the generous donation of a previous group attendee. Mothers Network invite you to do the same and pay it forward for another māmā. Mothers Network try to raise $60 per person for each group and then try to cover the rest through grants. Mothers Network know whānau finances vary, so it's completely up to you to decide what you’re able to contribute.
Becoming a parent and raising tamariki is a huge change in your life. If you’re used to being in a work environment, or surrounded by people, being at home with your pēpi can feel lonely. It can be good to connect with others sharing similar experiences. PIN groups are held in different locations around the Wellington region and provide a supportive place for parents to come together and share experiences and information on parenting. PIN groups are also a great way to help tamariki interact with each other and begin to develop their social skills.
Cost: Free
For more information and to book your place, visit: https://bookwhen.com/pin
Miscarriage Support offers support and information to the many hapū people and their whānau throughout Aotearoa who grieve for the loss of their pēpi.
Sands Wellington-Hutt Valley is a voluntary organisation that provides support and information to parents and whānau following the loss of a pēpi or tamariki. Whether your pēpi died in pregnancy, around birth, as an infant or toddler, and no matter how your pēpi died, you are welcome and SANDS can offer their support.
Sands run support meetings in the community, provide individual support on the phone or in person (when able to), lend out books and resources and hold events.
Cost: Free
Heart Song is a Skylight facilitated group for parents in the Wellington region who have been bereaved by the loss of a child of any age. They may have died recently, or a long time ago. The grief of bereaved parents is unique.
The support group offers understanding, friendship, hope, a place to talk about your child and your loss, and helpful information and ideas for dealing with grief and everyday situations.
The group was started by bereaved parents who know what a huge difference it makes to meet others who have been through a similar loss. Everyone is welcome.
Visit: https://www.skylight.org.nz/get-support/support-groups/bereaved-parents-support

Taha Whānau
Family/Aiga/Whānau Support
We are a toy library in Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt. We provide a service whereby members borrow up to 4 different sets of toys for 3 weeks at a time. We have a wide range of toys to suit every child’s development age, stage and interests. We cater for children from newborn to 8 years of age.
Cost: $50 for 6-months, $65 for 12-months
Website: https://koraunui-stokes-valley-toy-library.mailchimpsites.com/
Pacific Health Service Hutt Valley is an independent health service working closely with our Pasefika community of 12,000 people in the Hutt Valley north of Wellington. They provide community engagement, development, support, health services and social services such as:
Healthy lifestyle programmes with a focus on physical activity, nutrition support and overall wellness
Community-led wellness initiatives
Smoking cessation support
Support for fanau affected by Covid-19
Ensure culturally safe clinical and manaaki services
Primary outreach nursing service
Family violence prevention programme
Alcohol and drug addiction counselling
Cost: Free
Greenstone Doors is a charitable trust based in Lower Hutt. They offer two support groups for men:
Tane Talks is a space for men to chin wag, korero or talanoa about what matters to men.
Game On! delivers a programme to see dad’s engage with their children on another level. A parenting course just for dads, exploring what the role of a dad is, communication, discipline, boudary setting and what makes a great family.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.greenstonedoors.co.nz/mens-programmes.html
Atareira support whānau with mental health or addiction concerns. They provide information, advocacy and support for families, aiga & whānau, as well as a specialised children’s programme.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.atareira.org.nz/
Phone: 04 499 1049
Multiples Hutt Valley is a registered charity and membership organisation which offers friendship and support to families with twins, triplets or higher order multiples in the Hutt Valley and Wairarapa.
Cost: Membership fees applies.
Visit: https://www.multipleshv.org/
Birthright offers a range of social services for the tamariki and parents of whānau led by one person. If you are a mum, dad, grandparent or another whānau member parenting alone, Birthright can support you. Birthright believe that:
It is every child's 'birth-right' to a good start in life (which is where our name, Birthright, was originally derived from)
Children deserve to get help and assistance in times of crisis for them and their parent/s
All children should have the opportunity to reach their full potential
The current environment includes social systems and structures which make it more difficult for children from families led by one person to receive their 'birth-right'
Families can succeed on their own terms but may need support during parts of their journey.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.birthright.org.nz/
Phone: 0800 457 146
The Little Miracles Trust (formally known as The Neonatal Trust) provides a free information pack to parents with a pēpi in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) as soon as possible, and offer regular lunch/morning tea catch ups, and group information sessions.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://littlemiraclestrust.org.nz/
Video tour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeSwRGMziDI
The Little Miracles Trust also run playgroups. The new developmental group is FREE and open to all babies in who have been through a NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) or SCBU (Special Care Baby Unit) and will provide a very valuable service for parents to get crucial free developmental assistance and advice for their babies (as well as providing a place for a catch up over a coffee for neonatal mums and dads!) The playgroup is run by a physiotherapist and Johnsonville Community Centre.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://littlemiraclestrust.org.nz/for-parents/playgroups/
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust NZ is a registered charitable trust operating throughout New Zealand providing support services to grandparents who are raising their grandchildren on a full-time basis. Their vision is for a community where grandparents raising grandchildren are empowered to provide a safe, secure and nurturing home for their grandchildren.
Visit: https://www.grg.org.nz/
Phone: 0800 472 637
Kidz Need Dadz help Dads to play an active part in the lives of their tamariki through education & support. They can help with parenting, relationship separations, assistance with legal advice and mentoring, information on health and wellbeing services for men, and they also host regular meetings. They also offer supervised visitation services, helping tamariki and parents stay safe.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.kidzneeddadz.org.nz/
Phone: 0508 2255 323 (non-urgent)
Crisis phone: 0800 563 123 (crisis support)
Sometimes welcoming a baby can bring up trauma from the past. Mosaic support men who have had experiences of trauma and have a range of services designed to meet your needs – whatever they are.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.instagram.com/mosaic.wgtn/?hl=en
Phone: 0800 942 294
Hutt Valley Women’s Refuge work alongside their sister refuge Kōkiri Marae Māori Women’s Refuge to ensure a safe and appropriate service for all women and children experiencing domestic violence.
Hutt Valley Women’s Refuge provide immediate support to keep you safe in times of crisis, but they are so much more than a safe house. They have a team of highly trained, multi-skilled family violence specialists who can provide tailored support to guide you and your whānau. No two situations are the same, and they offer many different solutions.
Services include:
Safe housing
Crisis line
Support for women
Support for children
Women’s safety programmes
Cost: Free
Are You Ok has information to help you understand what an unsafe relationship looks like (including a quiz to help you understand if your relationship is (un)safe), support services available and tips on how to support someone in an unsafe relationship. Call the information line 0800 456 450 for information about services that can help you if you are experiencing or witnessing violence, or want to change your own behaviour. It is OK to ask for help.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.areyouok.org.nz/
Phone: 0800 456 450
Shakti is a national not-for-profit community organisation specialised in the area of women’s development, empowerment and domestic/ family violence intervention, prevention and awareness. Shakti are a specialist provider of culturally competent support services for women, children and families of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin. Shati encourage you to reach out to them if you are living a life of fear and violence or if you are unsure that you are affected by domestic violence.
Cost: Free
Phone: 24/7 multi lingual crisis line 0800 742 584
Taeaomanino Trust believes that all tamariki have the right to the best possible start in life. However, they are aware that some tamriki grow up in challenging environments. The Family Start programme supports whānau who are struggling with challenges or problems that put health, education and social outcomes for their tamariki at risk. Participation by whānau in the programme is voluntary.
Your tamariki will be at the centre of the Family Start programme with the support of a trained Social Worker working alongside families towards identified goals for both child and family.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.taeaomanino.org.nz/services/family-start/
Te Kākano / Family Start is a programme that helps give tamariki the best possible start in life. It provides free, intensive home-visiting support to whānau who may be struggling with challenges or problems that make it harder for them to provide their tamariki with the care and support they need. The Te Kākano / Family Start whānau workers work alongside whānau to:
help tamariki grow strong, learn, stay healthy and have positive relationships
help whānau be more confident about caring for their child
help whānau create a strong and positive future for their child
Visits from our Te Kākano/ Family Start whānau workers can start in the early stages of pregnancy (from 12 weeks) and referrals are taken up until a baby is one year old. In some cases it’s also possible to refer children aged between one and two. If the whānau identifies ongoing needs, whānau workers can stay involved until the child goes to school.
Referrals can be made in two ways:
Whānau can refer themselves
Whānau can be referred by another organisation who is working with them or who has worked with them in the past, such as a midwife or a district health board staff member.
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.wesleyca.org.nz/what-we-do/parenting-and-families/family-start/
Parent Help provide counselling, online parenting courses and support for all parenting issues, from the smallest to the most serious issue of child abuse. Parent Help recognise Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a founding and living document of Aotearoa. They are committed to developing a culturally appropriate way of working with Māori whānau, agencies and staff. Parent Help’s vision is to foster strong and resilient whānau living free from abuse and neglect.
Cost: Helpline is free. Counselling sessions are between $20 - $90 per hour
Visit: https://www.parenthelp.org.nz/
Phone: 0800 568 856
The Incredible Years basic parenting programme is for parents and caregivers of children 3–8 years old. It is designed to develop positive family relationships and empower parents to make changes and to manage difficult behaviour.
Why attend Incredible Years?
Learning parenting skills in a supportive group is effective and fun.
The course is facilitated by health and education professionals experienced in helping children and their families, including those with special needs.
Weekly phone calls from a facilitator help you make ideas from the course work for your unique child and family.
Research has shown that the Incredible Years programme changes behaviour and those changes are maintained over time.
Cost: Free
Visit: http://www.incrediblefamilies.org.nz/incredible-years/
Parent 2 Parent offer coffee groups and peer support for parents of a child with a disability. Often raising a child with a disability is an experience that isn’t planned, and Parent 2 Parent know it can be a challenging journey. Parent 2 Parent can inform, educate, inspire and support you as you navigate your way through your family’s experience with disability. Their services are free and confidential.
Cost: Free
Mainly Babies/Mainly Music are weekly sessions full of songs and rhymes, actions and movement, designed to engage you and your pēpi. Sessions are usually a half hour of music and movement followed by kai and playtime. At the same time, you’ll be able to connect with others.
Cost: Cost varies on location
Visit: https://mainlymusic.org.nz/collections/session-series
CAB help people to know and understand their rights and obligations and will support people to take action and work towards positive social change.
Locations: Wellington, Porirua, Hutt Valley, Wairarapa
Cost: Free
Visit: https://www.cab.org.nz/
Legal problems can be serious and frightening, and for many people lawyers are completely unaffordable. But everyone has the right to high-quality legal help – that’s where Community Law comes in.
Whether you’re struggling to keep or share your kids, finding it hard to handle WINZ, fines or debt, facing criminal charges, or dealing with a different kind of legal problem, often the first and most important step is to ask for help.
Visit: https://communitylaw.org.nz/free-legal-help/
Cost: Free
Hapai Taumaha Hapūtanga is a free service of health care professionals to assist women in unplanned or crisis situations during pregnancy. We provide a safe, confidential, non-judgemental space for you to consider your options and find a way forward. Exploring together the current challenges you are faced with in a supportive environment. When able assisting in finding suitable accommodation. Assessing your existing strengths/support systems and helping you to create new support networks where necessary. Assistance with emergency food. Providing you with information about your options if this is a path you may want to consider. Continuing to provide you support as long as you need it. Facilitating care and providing support for all pregnancy loss including post abortion grief.
Cost: Free
Website: https://crisispregnancysupport.org.nz/
Contact details:
0800 004 277
Hours: 8:30 – 5pm Monday – Friday